AP Chemistry : Periodic Trends

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Example Question #162 :Ap Chemistry

Which of the following species has the largest radius?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Each of these species has the same electron configuration (that of). The chloride nucleus has the fewest number of protons, meaning a weaker attractive force between it and the electron cloud. As a result, the atom is more disperse than the others which have larger atomic numbers (and more protons) with the same number of electrons.

Example Question #31 :Periodic Trends

Where are the largest neutral atoms found on the periodic table?

Possible Answers:

Bottom right

Top left

Bottom left

Top right

Correct answer:

Bottom left


From left to right on the periodic table, atomic radius decreases because the number of protons increase while electrons are being added to the same shell; the attraction between the nucleus and the electron cloud override the shielding effect of adding electrons to the same shell. Therefore, those on the left are larger. From top to bottom on the periodic table, atomic radius/size increases because electrons are added to new valence shells significantly further from the nucleus than the previous shell. Therefore, those on the bottom left are largest.

Example Question #31 :Periodic Trends

Which atom has a smaller atomic radius than oxygen?

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



From left to right on the periodic table, atomic radius decreases because the number of protons increase while electrons are being added to the same shell; the attraction between the nucleus and the electron cloud override the shielding effect of adding electrons to the same shell. Therefore, those on the left are larger. From top to bottom on the periodic table, atomic radius/size increases because electrons are added to new valence shells significantly further from the nucleus than the previous shell. Therefore, those on the bottom left are largest. Sulfur is the largest since it is in period 3. The remaining atoms are in period 2, with lithium being the largest, followed by nitrogen, oxygen, and fluorine.

Example Question #52 :The Periodic Table

An atom in which of the following groups is most likely to lose an electron?

Possible Answers:

Alkaline earth metals

Noble gases

Alkali metals


Correct answer:

Alkali metals


The tendency to lose an electron is related to ionization energy, which is principally the opposite of electronegativity. The higher the ionization energy, the harder it is to pull an electron from the atom (takes more energy to ionize). Elements on the right side of the periodic table have higher ionization energies because they tend to gain electrons to achieve a full valence electron shell rather than lose them. Elements on the left side of the periodic table have lower ionization energies because they tend to lose electrons in their valence shell to achieve a full shell. Alkali metals need to lose 1 electron to achieve noble gas electron configuration, whereas the first electron lost from an alkaline earth metal does not confer this stability.

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