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我是一个毕业于俄亥俄州立大学。我重新ceived my Bachelor of Arts in West European Studies with a minor in Spanish. Since graduation, I have traveled extensively, going abroad to earn my Master's degree in Germany. While I tutor a broad range of subjects, I am most passionate about Spanish, Math, and History. I do speak fluent Spanish. I am a firm proponent of education, believing it to be absolutely necessary for an improved quality of life, and I try to impart this appreciation to all of my students. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, playing basketball, playing chess, and riding my motorcycle.

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Armando’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Ohio State University-Main Campus——巴赫elor in Arts, Western European Studies

Graduate Degree: University of Flensburg - Master of Arts, European Studies


-Football -Basketball -riding motorcycle -Chess -Traveling -Reading -eating (:

Tutoring Subjects


Conversational Spanish

Conversational Spanish for Adults

Elementary School Math

European History


German 1





Social Studies


Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

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