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A photo of Chelahnnhe, a tutor from Wright State University


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I earned a Master of Science in Human Services, with a specialization in Social and Community Services from Capella University. I also earned a Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation Services from Wright State University.

I have worked with families from all walks of life. Many of the families have been resource rich in very unique ways, but have lived in under-resourced areas. At times, such challenges made it difficult for parents to make sure that basic needs were met, which oftentimes had an impact on the learning process of their children - and additional support systems were needed.

In previous roles such as Early Childhood Educator, Tutor, School Based Program Coordinator, Community Based Program Coordinator, and Assistant Camp Director, I worked to get to the root of challenges and helped families and children to move to their next level - whatever that meant for each family- by linking them to resources, or serving as an additonal resource. I most enjoyed building relationships, learning about each individual's strengths, and nurturing interests. I also enjoyed teaching families and children the importance of accountability and helping them to visualize, and embrace, their future story.

While I have a broad range of experiences, I am most passionate about nurturing students who are interested in learning Spanish, and those who need support with building better study skills and organizational skills. I believe that everyone has the ability to make improvements. My goal with students is to identify what they do know, and understand, and build on that - brick by brick- focusing on progress, not perfection in helping them to reach their goals.

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Chelahnnhe’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Wright State University - Bachelor of Science, Rehabilitation Science

Graduate Degree:Capella University- Master of Science, Human Services


I enjoy reading, gardening, listening to music, and paper quilling.

Tutoring Subjects




Spanish 2

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

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