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A photo of Alison, a tutor from Pennsylvania College of Technology


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I have been a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant for 8 years specializing in Orthopedic and General Trauma in the hospital setting. In 2021, I left the clinical role and moved into Academia. I am now a full-time OTA Professor & Academic Fieldwork Coordinator. I strive to have every student that crosses my path in the OT field become confident, successful, and knowledgeable therapy assistants/therapists.

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Alison’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Pennsylvania College of Technology- Associate in Science, Occupational Therapy Assistance

Graduate Degree:Pennsylvania College of Technology- Diploma, Applied and Professional Ethics


Mountains, Beach, Traveling, Sports, Fitness, Bringing my dogs to the dog park, Trying new foods & restaurants, Boating

Tutoring Subjects

Academic Coaching

COTA / NBCOT - Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant

Health Care Administration

IB Sports, Exercise and Health Science



OTR / NBCOT - Occupational Therapist - Registered

Professional Certifications

Study Skills

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