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A photo of Morgan, a tutor from Arizona State University


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I graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature. I am also currently in the Master's program for the same major. Creativity is the most important thing to me. I mean, what is fun without a little imagination? I strive not only to make each and every one of my students succeed, but to do so without losing their creative spirit.

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Morgan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Arizona State University- Bachelor in Arts, English


First and foremost, I am a walking encyclopedia of knowledge for The Lord of the Rings and Marvel. I am an aspiring writer and intend to write for the rest of my life. I love to ride my bike and walk my dog when the sun is shining. But most of all, I love to read. Books are everything to me. After all, without books, where would all of your good stories go?

Tutoring Subjects

College English

College Level American Literature

Elementary School English

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax

High School English

High School Level American Literature

Kindergarten Readiness

Late Elementary Reading Comprehension



Middle School

Middle School English

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing


Robust Reading Class

Short Story Fairytales

Spelling, Grammar, and Writing Skills Class

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