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一个photo of Shizue, a tutor from New York University


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I am a graduate of New York University. I received my Bachelor of Science in Educational Theater with a focus on education, playwriting, acting, and directing. Since graduation, I have worked as a full-time actor/ storyteller at Walt Disney World for 11 years. I am also a Japanese voice over artist, translator, script proofreader and a bilingual emcee. I have been writing and performing Japanese folktales at various venues including at schools, festivals, libraries, theaters and colleges. I have been a guest speaker for college course talking about Japanese traditional theater. In 2018, I chaperoned 25 American college students to Japan for their global study course. I was born and raised in Japan and graduated from Obirin Junior college in Tokyo so my Japanese is a native speaker level. I have taught English to Japanese children K-8 and also tutored American students for their Japanese language study. Currently I am teaching both group classes and private lessons for all ages. My students tell me that they are having fun taking my lessons. I was a foreign language learner of English and Spanish so I know how difficult to learn foreign languages for the first time. I can be patient and adjust your learning speed. I like reading books about health and practicing ballet and Yoga in my spare time. I go to Japan twice a year and love visiting shinto shirines and temples, and eating tasty food.

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Shizue’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:New York University- Bachelor of Science, Education


I love watching foreign/independent films, plays and musicals. I like to read health books and articles as well as cook healthy meals. I like Karaoke.

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