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A photo of Brittany, a tutor from University of North Texas


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[Ko-n-ni-chi-wa!] Hi!

I graduated from University of North Texas with a Bachelor of Arts in Japanese and a minor in Biology. Also, I had an opportunity to study abroad in Japan for about a year, and intern at a Japanese company. While I was there, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of how important, valuable, and fun being able to speak/ understand a foreign language can be, and I now work at a Japanese IT company where I am able to communicate in Japanese everyday. In my spare time I like to read fantasy books, play basketball, dance, and spend time with my 2 puppies :P .

When it comes to learning a language, Trial and Error is what I believe to be one of the most efficient methods toward success. I am predominately self taught, but most of my learning came from making mistakes, reflecting on those mistakes, and applying what I learned in the next situation. Of course, hard work, dedication, and passion are also very important, but not being afraid to step out of your comfort zone is essential.

As a tutor, my goal would be to help my students gain confidence in their Language ability, and push them to step out of their comfort zone. I would match my teaching to each individuals learning style, and work at the pace that is most comfortable for them. However, I do believe relaxed, fun environments produce the best results for students learning a language.

I look forward to working with you!!

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Brittany’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:University of North Texas- Bachelor in Arts, Japanese Studies


I love playing basketball, reading fantasy books, and speaking the languages that I study :)

Tutoring Subjects

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