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I'm a graduate of Florida International University, where I acquired my Bachelor in Music degree (Jazz Performance) and graduated Magna Cum Laude. I've been playing guitar for about 9 years and have been teaching for about 4 years, privately and with other teaching companies. In addition to teaching, I'm also a regular performer where I play Jazz Standards, tunes from the Great American Songbook, Beatles repertoire, as well as my own original music. My goal as a teacher is to inspire the student to work ahead and truly find and encourage them to get in touch with their own explorative self. My goal is to help them discover the instrument and get in touch with their creative side so they can play the music they want, while also showing them music theory, guitar technique, as well as improvisation and composition. Finally, my goal as an instructor is to have students leave with lessons not only applicable to the guitar, but musically and grant them tools to succeed in life no matter what they do.

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Nicholas’ Qualifications


Food, tea, music, television, board games, video games

Tutoring Subjects

AP Music Theory

Bass Guitar




Music Theory


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