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A photo of Ben, a tutor from Louisiana Tech University


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Learning is something I'm very passionate about. You have to be committed to lifelong learning, especially if you're going to choose a path like mine.

I was an electrical engineer for several years before deciding to go to medical school. Prior to med school, I earned a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and an M.S. in Engineering. I also took and passed the Fundamentals of Engineering and Professional Engineering exams. With all of the various studies I've completed, I have a very solid background in math and science.

Part of why I wanted to go to medical school was to help make a difference in the lives of others. Tutoring is another way where I can make a difference too. I truly enjoy helping others learn and achieve success. Let me help you achieve your goals.

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Ben’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Louisiana Tech University- Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering

Graduate Degree:University of Arkansas- Master of Science, Engineering, General

Test Scores

MCAT Verbal Reasoning: 11

MCAT Biological Sciences: 11


Reading, cooking, backpacking, video games, shooting, ukulele, geocaching

Tutoring Subjects


Anatomy & Physiology



College Biology

Computer Programming

Graduate Test Prep


MCAT Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems



Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office




Programming VB.NET


Relational Databases



Technology and Coding

Visual Basic

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