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A photo of Joshua, a tutor from Colorado Christian University


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你好。我愿意帮助你与你的主题。I have taught grades 7-9 for 5 years in private school and have tutored students from middle school through college. My best subjects are math and French. I went to French Immersion School for grades K-12 in Canada and am fluent in French. I passed the IB Higher Level Exam in French upon graduation. I was a math major for the first part of my college career. I completed my Master's degree in Religious Studies. I am married and have an almost 2 year old little girl. My goal is to help you understand your subject area and help you do well in your class. I look forward to working with you!

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Joshua’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Colorado Christian University- Bachelors, Youth Ministry

Graduate Degree:Liberty University- Masters, Master of Arts


basketball, tennis, playing guitar, helping the needy, going to church

Tutoring Subjects

AP French Language and Culture

Competition Math

Conversational French

Discrete Math

Elementary School Math


French 1

French 2

French 3




Middle School Math


Social Studies

Technology and Coding

World Religions

Q & A

How would you help a student get excited/engaged with a subject that they are struggling in?

Most students are not excited or engaged in the subject they are struggling in because they are struggling. No one enjoys struggling. It is my goal to help them have that "aha!" moment where they finally grasp the concept or subject. Once that is accomplished, they tend to be excited and engaged in the subject

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