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A photo of Andrew, a tutor from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University


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I love to be helpful to people, and I love to help students improve their performance in classes and on tests. I have an excellent track record of strong performances in graded classes and on standardized tests. I am confident that I can help any student take their performance to the next level in any of several academic subject areas, especially math and chemistry, and on standardized tests.

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Andrew’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University- Bachelors, Chemistry

Graduate Degree:Washington University in St Louis- PHD, Inorganic Chemistry

Test Scores

SAT Math: 800


Sports (especially soccer), puzzles (jigsaw, crossword, soduku), Music (Classical and Classic Rock), and Bicycling

Tutoring Subjects


ACT Writing



College Chemistry

College English

COMPASS Mathematics

Competition Math

MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills

DAT Quantitative Reasoning

DAT Survey of the Natural Sciences

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

GED Prep

GED Math

GED Reasoning Through Language Arts

GED Science

GED Social Studies

Graduate Level Chemistry

Graduate Test Prep

GRE Analytical Writing

High School Chemistry

High School English

High School Physics

High School Writing

IB Chemistry

LSAT Analytical Reasoning


Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Science

Middle School Writing


PC Basic Computer Skills

PCAT Chemistry




SAT Prep

SAT Reading


Spelling Bee


STAAR Grades 3-8 Prep

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Technology and Coding

Test Prep


Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

I learn first. That is, I learn a student's learning style and barriers to improved performance. Then, I cater my approach to that learning style and offer ways to overcome those barriers.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

我想花几分钟与一个学生by giving a very brief introduction of myself, and then asking the student to describe his/her situation. I would attempt to determine that student's learning style and barriers to success. Then, I would go over some material that the student has supplied, if available. Finally, I would give the student some practice problems to solve as I observe. I would point out possible ways to overcome barriers to success. Halfway through and at the end of the session, I would stop and ask the student if (s)he is happy with how our session has gone. I would hope to get some feedback and modify my future approach accordingly.

How can you help a student become an independent learner?

I can help a student become an independent learner by taking advantage of opportunities to raise the student's self-confidence and discussing the benefits of being able to seek and discover information on one's own.

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