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A photo of Delmar, a tutor from Chicago State University


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My goal is to both challenge and reward myself tutoring young minds in the maths and sciences. By doing so I believe they will have a better opportunity of success of today's evolving world. From Chicago to Asia, and 8 combined years, I have gained both personal and professional satisfaction in the process. My specialties include mathematics, essay and research writing, biology, as well as teaching students the various test taking skills. I find great pleasure knowing that my experience can be applied to assisting others in their academic achievements, and consequently their success as productive citizens. I believe that learning, via both the classroom and exposure is a lifelong process, and tutoring brings me closer to that belief!

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Delmar’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:芝加哥州立大学- Bachelors, Middle School Education


骑自行车,游泳,旅游,烹饪,和volunteering in community

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