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A photo of Chelsea, a tutor from Duke University


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I am a current Masters student at Johns Hopkins University studying Public Health. I recently graduated from Duke University as a premedical student with my Bachelors in Women's Studies and a minor in Chemistry. I have had the fortune of working on Public Health projects in Bangladesh, Panama, Honduras, and Thailand. The professional experience and exposure to so many vibrant cultures has been amazing in giving me a rounded view of the world.

I believe that in learning any subject requires gaining a rounded perspective for full understanding. While tutoring, I try to provide several different paths for understanding and several different strategies for problem solving. My tutoring experience is in math, reading, and writing with elementary school and middle school children. I have extensive experience in essay writing and editing as well as college essay tutoring and feedback.

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Chelsea’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Duke University- Bachelors, Premed; women's studies

Graduate Degree:Johns Hopkins University- Masters, Public Health (Department of Population, Family, and Reproductive Health)

Test Scores

ACT English: 30

ACT Reading: 32

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1420


My hobbies include playing the piano and playing tennis. I have been doing both for over 16 years and played both throughout high school and college. I enjoy eating really good food and hunting for restaurants as well as watching good movies. Traveling, cooking, and reading are other hobbies that I wished I had more time to do.

Tutoring Subjects

ACT English

ACT Reading


Algebra 2


College Algebra

College English

Elementary Math

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading


High School English


ISEE- Lower Level


Middle School Math




SSAT- Elementary Level

Test Prep

Q & A

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

We would sit down with the student's parent(s) and outline the specific areas we want to work on. The student and I will then go through some sample exercises for me to get a better idea of how they work through a question. The next part of the session would be spent planning out an outline of how future sessions will go. If we will work through homework, practice problems, or test taking strategies. The remaining session will be spent tutoring and working on whatever topics the student and parent would prefer.

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