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A photo of Sara, a tutor from University of Maryland-College Park


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I attended the University of Maryland, where I received my B.S. in Mathematics in 2000. Nine years later, I returned to UMD and received my M. Eng. in Systems Engineering. My passion for tutoring began as an undergraduate, where I tutored peers in freshman and sophomore level math classes. While I spent nearly a decade working in industry, I haven't stopped tutoring or teaching in some form ever since. Spending a couple years teaching middle and high school math showed me just how much the one-on-one style of tutoring appeals to me. In this setting, I can meet students at their individual level of understanding, repairing any flaws or cracks in their mathematical foundation, and building new concepts from there. This not only allows the student to truly assimilate the new concepts into their knowledge, but starting from what they DO know helps build confidence.
In addition to math, I also teach yoga. When not spreading my passions, you can either find me cooking or in the water.

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Sara’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:University of Maryland-College Park- Bachelor of Science, Mathematics

Graduate Degree:University of Maryland-College Park- Masters, Systems Engineering


Yoga, SUP, beach

Tutoring Subjects

10th Grade Math

11th Grade Math

12th Grade Math

6th Grade Math

7th Grade Math

8th Grade Math

9th Grade Math

Advanced Placement Prep


Algebra 2

Algebra 3/4

Applied Mathematics



Business Calculus


Calculus 2


CLEP Calculus

CLEP College Algebra

CLEP College Mathematics

CLEP Precalculus

College Algebra

College Business

College Math

COMPASS Mathematics

Computational Problem Solving

Developmental Algebra

Differential Equations

Discrete Math

Elementary School Math

GED Prep

GED Math


High School Business


Intermediate Algebra

Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science

Middle School Math





Project Management/PMP

Technology and Coding


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