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A photo of Lauren, a tutor from Boston University


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I am a senior at Boston University working toward a Bachelor of Arts in biology with a specialization in behavior. This past winter, I studied tropical ecology in Ecuador for four months and one of those months was at a research station in the Amazon rainforest. Aside from my field studies, I have interned at several zoos and aquariums, including Naples Zoo at Caribbean Gardens, with a wide range of species and with the mission of using education to improve the relationship between people and the animals with which we share our planet. I am most passionate about ecology, life sciences, and psychology, but I believe that a well-rounded education is incredibly important and that any subject can be made applicable to any interest.
A fair combination of hard work and fun is my standard for life and for teaching. I like to help students use their strengths to help balance and improve weaknesses. As a previously anxious test-taker myself, I know firsthand how challenging standardized testing can be, but I can share valuable strategies to help a student reach his or her full potential.
In my spare time, I enjoy playing the cello and singing, hiking, kayaking, cooking, and practicing American Sign Language.

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Lauren’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:Boston University- Bachelor in Arts, Behavioral Biology

Test Scores

ACT Reading: 33

ACT Science: 32


playing the cello, singing, cooking, American Sign Language, animal training

Tutoring Subjects

1st Grade Math

2nd Grade Math

3rd Grade Math

4th Grade Math

5th Grade Math

5th Grade Science

ACT English

ACT Science



College Biology

College English


Elementary Math

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Science


Environmental Science

Essay Editing

Evolutionary Biology

High School Biology

High School English

Life Sciences


Middle School Math


Public Speaking


学习技巧and Organization


Test Prep


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