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A photo of Lara, a tutor from University of Toledo


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我有16个月of writing tutor experience, which I gained during my junior and senior years of undergraduate study at the University of Toledo. I worked in the University Writing Center, where clients brought in writing assignments from subjects ranging from literature essays to lab reports, as well as grant application essays, graduate school admissions essays, and cover letters.
I currently volunteer at Refugee Women in Action, where I work with elementary school aged children who are recently arrived as refugees in Columbus complete their homework, as well as practice reading, writing, and math. All of these students are learning English as a Second Language.
I also have one year of experience as a graduate teaching associate at the Ohio State University, teaching Introduction to Linguistics to undergraduate students. I was in charge of my own class, including designing a syllabus, writing assignments and quizzes, grading, and giving lectures.
What makes me a great tutor is my ability to foster a student’s confidence while also challenging them to advance in their field of study. I have a caring and warm personality that puts students at ease, but I also have the skills, knowledge, and experience to guide students and improve their writing and studying strategies in ways that they can take with them beyond our sessions.

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Lara’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree:University of Toledo- Bachelor in Arts, Linguistics

Graduate Degree: The Ohio State University - Master of Arts, Linguistics


Reading, writing, and building furntiure

Tutoring Subjects

College English

College Essays


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

High School English


Public Speaking



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