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A photo of James, a tutor from University og Maryland, College Park


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Born and raised in the DC area, I graduated from Georgetown Prep and The University of Maryland, College Park with bachelor's degrees in secondary education and history. After Maryland, I worked in Montgomery County Public Schools as a social studies teacher at Redland Middle School. Next, I moved to San Jose, Costa Rica where I studied Spanish while living with a local family. I also earned my certification to teach English as a foreign language (TEFL) during this time, and later taught business English to adults in San Jose. Recently, I returned to the area after two years living in Medellin, Colombia where I taught English at La Universidad Catolica de Oriente.

I believe that providing positive reinforcement and encouragement are essential to students' growth and success, but I also have high expectations for my students and want them to reach their full potential. In addition to helping students with specific subjects, I also like to teach them to become more independent by showing them them proper study habits and organizational and time management skills.

I think the use of technology is a critical component of education today, and try to incorporate it in to my classes. I also believe that students should enjoy class so I plan accordingly.

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James’ Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University og Maryland, College Park - Bachelors, History/Secondary Education


Cooking, Traveling, Camping, Hiking, Watching and Playing Sports, Reading, Watching Movies, Playing the Drums

Tutoring Subjects

AP Comparative Government and Politics

AP Human Geography

AP U.S. Government & Politics

AP United States History

AP US History

College English

College Essays

College Geography

College Level American History

Conversational Spanish


English Grammar and Syntax


Essay Editing

European History


High School English

High School Geography

High School Level American History




Social Studies


Spanish 1


Spanish 3

Test Prep


World Religions


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