NCLEX-RN : General Biology

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Example Questions

Example Question #61 :General Biology

Which of the following is the most biologically active form of estrogen?

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



The most prevalent and biologically active estrogen in an adult female is estradiol (E2). Estrone and estriol are less active forms of estrogen, and progesterone is not a form of estrogen, but rather a distinct progestogen reproductive hormone.

Example Question #62 :General Biology

What is the most prevalent form of circulating estrogen in a post-menopausal female?

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



After menopause, the most predominant form of circulating estrogen is estrone (E1). Estradiol is more prevalent in pre-menopausal women who are not pregnant, while estriol and estetrol are both only elevated during pregnancy.

Example Question #63 :General Biology

What form of estrogen is only present in pregnant females?

Possible Answers:

Estriol (E3)

Estetrol (E4)

Estrone (E1)

Estradiol (E2)

Correct answer:

Estetrol (E4)


The only form of estrogen that is exclusively present in pregnant women is estetrol (E4).

Example Question #64 :General Biology

What enzyme is responsible for the conversion of androgens into estrogen?

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



The conversion of androgens into estrogen is performed by aromatase, also known as estrogen synthetase or estrogen synthase. 5-alpha-reductase is responsible for the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. Amylase is a salivary enzyme that breaks down starches during mastication, and protease is a digestive enzyme that aids in the breakdown of proteins.

Example Question #65 :General Biology

Which cells in the male reproductive tract produce testosterone?

Possible Answers:

Leydig cells

Wolffian cells

Sertoli cells

Spermatogenic cells

Correct answer:

Leydig cells


Leydig cells, located in the testes adjacent to the seminiferous tubules, secrete testosterone in response to lutenizing hormone (LH). Sertoli cells are also adjacent to the seminiferous tubules. They play a role in stimulating spermatogenesis in spermatogenic cells. Wolffian cells are a part of the fetal male reproductive tract and do not produce testosterone.

Example Question #66 :General Biology

Which of the following structures are formed from the embryological Wolffian ducts?

Possible Answers:

The epididymis

The seminal vesicles

The vas deferens

All of these are correct

Correct answer:

All of these are correct


The Wolffian ducts are fetal urogenital structures that develop into the seminal vesicles, the vas deferens, and the epididymis. They also form parts of the bladder wall.

Example Question #67 :General Biology

Which of the following is not an androgen?

Possible Answers:



Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)


Correct answer:



All of the hormones listed, and testosterone, are androgens except 2-hydroxyestrone, which is a metabolite of estrone (a form of estrogen).

Example Question #68 :General Biology

Androstenedione is produced by all of the following tissues except__________.

Possible Answers:

The adrenal medulla

The adrenal cortex

The ovaries

The testes

Correct answer:

The adrenal medulla


Androstenedione is produced by the ovaries, the testes, and the adrenal cortex. The adrenal medulla primarily secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine.

Example Question #69 :General Biology

Which of the following is a normal dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) level in an adult female under the age of fifty?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Normal DHEA levels in an adult female under the age of fifty range from. DHEA levels are higher in younger women and decline as women approach menopause.

Example Question #70 :General Biology

Which of the following is a normal dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) level in an adult male under the age of fifty?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


The normal DHEA levels in an adult male under the age of fifty can range from. They are highest in early adulthood and decline with age.

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