Human Anatomy and Physiology : Identifying Digestive and Excretory Organs

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Example Questions

Example Question #11 :Identifying Digestive And Excretory Organs

Which of the following is not a lobe of the liver?

Possible Answers:

Caudate lobe

Quadrate lobe

Left lobe

Superior lobe

Correct answer:

Superior lobe


There is no superior lobe of the liver. There are four lobes and they are named as follows: quadrate, caudate, left, and right.

Example Question #11 :Organs

食道进入abdomen at which of the following vertebrae levels?

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



食道进入abdomen by piercing the diaphragm at the T10 vertebrae level. The esophagus is a muscular hollow tube that connects the pharynx with the stomach. It runs behind the trachea and heart and is located in front of the spine.

Example Question #11 :Identifying Digestive And Excretory Organs

Which of the following organs is not a retroperitoneal organ?

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



Except for the liver, all of the organs are retroperitoneal since they lie behind or are retro to the visceral peritoneum. The liver is an intraperitoneal organ. Intraperitoneal organs are moveable because they are completely surrounded by a visceral membrane. This membrane is known as a mesentery. The opposite of intraperitoneal organs are retroperitoneal organs, meaning they only have peritoneum located on the anterior side of the organ and cannot move.

Example Question #12 :Identifying Digestive And Excretory Organs

Which part of the small intestine is the first to receive bile from the gallbladder and liver as well as digestive enzymes from the pancreas?

Possible Answers:


Transverse colon

Descending colon



Correct answer:



The small intestine is divided into 3 parts, duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The duodenum is the first part, and thus receives bile from the liver and gallbladder and digestive enzymes from the pancreas. The jejunum is the location of the small intestine where most of the digestion and absorption occurs.

Example Question #13 :Identifying Digestive And Excretory Organs

Which ligament divides the liver into a right and left lobe?

Possible Answers:

Round ligament

Caudate lobe

Quadrate lobe

Falciform ligament

Coronary ligament

Correct answer:

Falciform ligament


The falciform ligament divides the liver into a right and left lobe. The round ligament is the inferior part of falciform ligament that is thick and round. The coronary ligament, caudate lobe, and quadrate lobe are all found on the posterior side of the liver, while the falciform ligament is found on the anterior side.

Example Question #14 :Identifying Digestive And Excretory Organs

Which of the following organs are examples of an intraperitoneal organ?

Possible Answers:

Liver and kidney

Stomach and liver

Stomach and ureter

Liver and aorta

Stomach and kidney

Correct answer:

Stomach and liver


Intraperitoneal organs are moveable because they are completely surrounded by a visceral membrane. This membrane is known as a mesentery. Examples of these organs include the stomach and the liver. The opposite of intraperitoneal organs are retroperitoneal organs. This means that the organs only have peritoneum located on their anterior side. All of the listed answer choices other than stomach and liver are retroperitoneal organs because they are not moveable and only have peritoneum lining the ventral side.

Example Question #15 :Identifying Digestive And Excretory Organs

Which of the following choices are not parts of the stomach?

Possible Answers:



Greater curvature

Epiploic foramen


Correct answer:

Epiploic foramen


The epiploic foramen is not a part of the stomach. Rather, it is the opening of the lesser omentum, which leads to the lesser sac. The fundus is the first part of the stomach that stores food after it leaves the esophagus. The greater curvature is the boundary of the stomach that forms a long convex curve from the opening for the esophagus to the opening into the duodenum.

Example Question #16 :Identifying Digestive And Excretory Organs

Which of the following describes the renal calyces?

Possible Answers:

The central region of the kidney that determines the concentration of urine

The outer part of the kidney where blood is filtered

They are the horn-shaped tubes that carry urine to the renal pelvis

米uscular tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder

Correct answer:

They are the horn-shaped tubes that carry urine to the renal pelvis


Calyces are horn-shaped tubes that carry urine to the renal pelvis. The medulla is the inner part of the kidney that determines how concentrated urine is; the loop of Henle dips deep into the medulla to use the high osmolarity to drive the concentration of fluid in the renal tubule. The ureter is the muscular tube that connects the kidneys to the bladder. The cortex is where the blood is filtered in the glomerular capillaries.

Example Question #17 :Identifying Digestive And Excretory Organs

Where are gastrointestinal stem cells located?

Possible Answers:

In the muscular layer of the large intestine

In the intestinal crypts of Lieberkuhn

In the muscular layer of the duodenum

In the esophagus

In the mucosal layer of the stomach

Correct answer:

In the intestinal crypts of Lieberkuhn


The epithelia of the small and large intestine form glands called crypts located between villi. The crypts are a collection of cells including columnar secreting cells, goblet cells and stem cells. Stem cells are cells that are capable of self-renewal. They are not located in the muscular layer of the intestine or in any layer of the stomach or esophagus.

Example Question #18 :Identifying Digestive And Excretory Organs

What is the outer layer of the intestinal wall called?

Possible Answers:

The muscularis propria

The submucosa

The mucosa

The adventitia

The lamina propria

Correct answer:

The adventitia


The layers of the intestinal wall from the outermost to the inner most are: the adventitia, the muscularis propria, the submucosa and the mucosa. The mucosa contains mostly epithelium, but also connective tissue known as the lamina propria. The adventitia contains connective tissue, blood vessels and nerves that nourish and innervate the other layers of the wall.

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