GRE Subject Test: Psychology : Treatment of Disorders

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Example Question #11 :Treatment Of Disorders

Which psychotherapy was initially created as a way to treat clients with borderline personality disorder?

Possible Answers:

Cognitive Therapy (CT)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)

Person-Centered Therapy

Correct answer:

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)


DBT was created initially to treat BPD. This theory works best when the therapist works as part of a team so he/she can get his/her own therapy as time goes on. DBT focuses on ares where someone with BPD would struggle- building an emotional skin, regulating emotional responses, and learning good interpersonal relationship strategies.

Example Question #12 :Treatment Of Disorders

Which mode of therapy was initially created to treat depression?

Possible Answers:

Cognitive Therapy

Existential Therapy

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Person-Centered Therapy

Correct answer:

Cognitive Therapy


All of these therapies can be used to treat depression and many have research to support the effectiveness of the use; however, only one of these therapies was created intentionally to treat depression. Beck's cognitive therapy was created specifically to work with depression.

Example Question #13 :Treatment Of Disorders

Which of the following are not criteria of Roger's theory associated with therapeutic relationships?

Possible Answers:


Unconditional positive regard

Empathic understanding


Correct answer:



Rogers believed therapists needed to be congruent, empathic, and should show unconditional positive regard towards clients in order for therapeutic change to occur. Rogers did not believe in confrontation. He thought this was too abrasive and would negatively impact the relationship with the client, which could drastically decrease the effectiveness of therapy.

Example Question #14 :Treatment Of Disorders

In traditional psychoanalysis, therapists must be aware of which of the following?

Possible Answers:

All of these



Defense mechanisms

Correct answer:

All of these


Psychoanalytic therapists must worry about all of these. Transference is when a client transfers feelings they have for someone to the therapist (e.g. treating the therapist like they would their parent). Countertransference is when a therapist experiences feelings in reaction to the client, or when they over relate to something a client is saying. Defense mechanisms are unconscious ways of reacting to trauma or stress.

Example Question #15 :Treatment Of Disorders

A therapist who takes time to ask clients about their family, particularly about the client's birth order, is likely practicing which of the following?

Possible Answers:

Gestalt therapy

Person-centered therapy

Psychoanalytic therapy

Adlerian therapy

Correct answer:

Adlerian therapy


Adlerian therapy thinks that birth order greatly affects a person's personality and presenting problems. Psychoanalytic therapy focuses on the unconscious and the childhood. Gestalt therapy centers on body language. Person-centered therapy focuses on the relationship between the client and the counselor.

Example Question #151 :Social

A therapist that asks a client to exaggerate his/her body language during a session is likely practicing which of the following?

Possible Answers:

Adlerian therapy

Gestalt therapy

Psychoanalytic therapy

Person-centered therapy

Correct answer:

Gestalt therapy


格式塔疗法是关心的身体语言nd therapists who practice this will often ask clients to exaggerate their body language so they can analyze it together. CBT is concerned with irrational cognitions and behaviors. Adlerian therapy focused on family and place in the family. Person-centered therapy was about building a good relationship between client and therapist. Psychoanalytic therapy focused on the unconscious and previous childhood experiences.

Example Question #152 :Social

Which of the following treatments has been extensively researched and found to effectively treat borderline personality disorder?

Possible Answers:

Dialectical behavior therapy

Feminist therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy


Rational emotive behavior therapy

Correct answer:

Dialectical behavior therapy


“Dialectical behavior therapy” is the most widely researched treatment for borderline personality disorder. It was developed by Marsha Linehan and includes 4 core components: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. On the other hand, “logotherapy” is an existential therapy developed by Viktor Frankl and focuses on finding meaning in life. “Cognitive behavioral therapy” is an effective treatment for depression and anxiety, and looks at the impact of one's thoughts on emotions and behaviors. “Rational emotive behavior therapy” was developed by Albert Ellis and focuses on modifying irrational thoughts. “Feminist therapy” emphasizes the impact of women's social roles and includes an equal relationship between therapist and client, therapist self-disclosure, and advocating for socio-political change.

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