GMAT Verbal : Correcting Agreement Errors

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Example Question #41 :Correcting Subject Verb Agreement Errors

替换划下划线的部分答案曹ice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English. One of the answer choices reproduces the underlined portion as it is written in the sentence.

The oldest ofthe veterans hold a special placeof honor in the group.

Possible Answers:

the veterans holds a special place

the veterans hold a special place

the veterans hold the special place

the veteran's hold a special place

the veterans holding a special place

Correct answer:

the veterans holds a special place


The verb "hold" is a plural verb, but the subject of the sentence is the singular "The oldest." The verb needs to be changed to a singular form to be in agreement with the subject. The only answer choice that uses the correct verb is "the veterans holds a special place."

Example Question #801 :Improving Sentences

替换划下划线的部分答案曹ice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English. One of the answer choices reproduces the underlined portion as it is written in the sentence.

Each of the teenagers havea brand new cellular phone.

Possible Answers:

Each of the teenagers having

Each teenager have

Each of the teenagers has

Each, of the teenagers, have

Each of the teenagers have

Correct answer:

Each of the teenagers has


The underlined section of the sentence has a problem with the verb "have." While the verb is situated next to the plural noun "teenagers," the subject of the sentence is the word "each," which is singular. Therefore, the verb needs to be a singular form, and "Each of the teenagers has" is the correct answer choice.

Example Question #802 :Improving Sentences

替换划下划线的部分答案曹ice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English. One of the answer choices reproduces the underlined portion as it is written in the sentence.

The teenager, along with her classmates, objectto the school's use of uniforms beginning next year.

Possible Answers:

The teenager, along with her classmates, object

The teenager along with her classmates, objects

The teenager along with her classmates object

The teenager, along with her classmates, objects

The teenager along with her classmates objects

Correct answer:

The teenager, along with her classmates, objects


The issue in the underlined portion of the sentence is that the sentence and verb are not in agreement. While the sentence references "classmates," that is in an interrupting phrase set off by commas, and the subject is the singular "teenager." "The teenager, along with her classmates, objects" is the correct answer choice.

Example Question #803 :Improving Sentences

替换划下划线的部分答案曹ice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English. One of the answer choices reproduces the underlined portion as it is written in the sentence.

The most challenging thing for young musicians是听to the rest of the ensemble.

Possible Answers:


are listen

are listening

is having listened

is to listen

Correct answer:

is to listen


The use of "are" is incorrect in the sentence, as it is a plural form and the subject of the sentence, "thing," is in the singular. The verb tense for "are" needs to be adjusted to the singular form; therefore, the correct answer is "is to listen."

Example Question #804 :Improving Sentences

替换划下划线的部分答案曹ice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English.

That actor, who gained fame with his early comedic roles,have also given moving performancesin dramatic films.

Possible Answers:

has also given moving performances

and also has given moving performances

but also gave moving performances

was also being known for moving performances

have also given moving performances

Correct answer:

has also given moving performances


This sentence contains an error in subject-verb agreement. The subject of the sentence ("That actor") is singular, so change the plural verb "have" to "has." Adding a conjunction ("and" or "but") in this case creates a sentence structure error. To avoid wordiness, stay away from answer choices that add additional "-ing" verbs.

Example Question #805 :Improving Sentences

替换划下划线的部分答案曹ice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English. One of the answer choices reproduces the underlined portion as it is written in the sentence.

The convention of meteorologists, despite being well funded, were unsuccessful and have failed to achieve any of their annual goals.

Possible Answers:

The convention of meteorologists, despite being well funded, were unsuccessful and have failed to achieve any of its annual goals.

The convention of meteorologists, despite being well funded, was unsuccessful and has failed to achieve any of its annual goals.

The convention of meteorologists, despite being well funded, was unsuccessful and have failed to achieve any of its annual goals.

The convention of meteorologists, despite being well funded, were unsuccessful and has failed to achieve any of their annual goals.

The convention of meteorologists, despite being well funded, were unsuccessful and have failed to achieve any of their annual goals.

Correct answer:

The convention of meteorologists, despite being well funded, was unsuccessful and has failed to achieve any of its annual goals.


With a complex sentence such as this, it’s important to keep track of your subjects and verbs. Although “meteorologists” is plural, the subject of the sentence is the singular “convention,” and therefore the correct verb forms are “was” and “has failed,” not “were” and “have failed.” Similarly, the singular pronoun “its” is correct and the plural pronoun “their” is incorrect.

Example Question #806 :Improving Sentences

替换划下划线的部分答案曹ice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English. One of the answer choices reproduces the underlined portion as it is written in the sentence.

I have a feeling that the admissions process, while carefully planned, still ignore some qualified students while the inevitable cadre of underachievers slide under the radar.

Possible Answers:

I have a feeling that the admissions process, while carefully planned, still ignores some qualified students while the small cadre of underachievers slided under the radar.

I have a feeling that the admissions process, while carefully planned, still ignores some qualified students while the inevitable cadre of underachievers slide under the radar.

I have a feeling that the admissions process, while carefully planned, still ignore some qualified students while the inevitable cadre of underachievers slide under the radar.

I have a feeling that the admissions process, while carefully planned, still ignore some qualified students while the inevitable cadre of underachievers slides under the radar.

I have a feeling that the admissions process, while carefully planned, still ignores some qualified students while the inevitable cadre of underachievers slides under the radar.

Correct answer:

I have a feeling that the admissions process, while carefully planned, still ignores some qualified students while the inevitable cadre of underachievers slides under the radar.


There are two instances of subject-verb agreement in this sentence: the singular “admissions process” needs to be paired with the singular verb form “ignores,” and the singular “small cadre of underachievers” needs to be paired with the singular verb form “slides.”

Example Question #807 :Improving Sentences

替换划下划线的部分答案曹ice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English. One of the answer choices reproduces the underlined portion as it is written in the sentence.

Each of the seven gems in the Queen's crownwere mined from each of the seven continents on Earth, making it representative of the Queen's desire for a worldwide empire.

Possible Answers:

was mined from each of the seven continents on Earth

was mining from each of the seven continents on Earth

were mining from each of the seven continents on Earth

were mines from each of the seven continents on Earth

were mined from each of the seven continents on Earth

Correct answer:

was mined from each of the seven continents on Earth


Although there are seven gems, the subject of the sentence is "Each" of the gems, which is a singular noun. Therefore, the correct phrase uses the singular past verb form—"was mined from each of the seven continents on Earth."

Example Question #808 :Improving Sentences

替换划下划线的部分答案曹ice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English. One of the answer choices reproduces the underlined portion as it is written in the sentence.

"Only one of the teams are going to make it to regionals," said Coach Joe.

Possible Answers:

"Only one of the teams are going to make it to regionals," said Coach Joe.

"One team is going to make it to regionals only," said Coach Joe.

"Only one of the teams is going to make it to regionals," said Coach Joe.

"Only one of the teams are to make it to regionals," said Coach Joe.

"Only one of the teams are going to make it to regionals." Said Coach Joe.

Correct answer:

"Only one of the teams is going to make it to regionals," said Coach Joe.


The singular use of "is going to" is correct, not the plural use of "are going to." This is because the verb "is" is modifying the "one" team that is going to make it, not the plural "teams." The "of the teams" can be taken out to show that one should use "is", not "are": "Only one . . . is going to make it to regionals."

Example Question #809 :Improving Sentences

替换划下划线的部分答案曹ice that results in a sentence that is clear, precise, and meets the requirements of standard written English. One of the answer choices reproduces the underlined portion as it is written in the sentence.

A combination of trenchant social commentary anddelightfully entertaining plot twists characterize the novels of Jane Austen.

Possible Answers:

the fact that she twists the plot in delightfully entertaining ways characterizes the novels of Jane Austen.

delightfully entertaining plot twists characterize the novels of Jane Austen.

delightfully entertaining plot twists characterizes the novels of Jane Austen.

the fact that she twists the plot in delightfully entertaining ways characterize the novels of Jane Austen.

delightfully entertaining plot twists have characterized the novels of Jane Austen.

Correct answer:

delightfully entertaining plot twists characterizes the novels of Jane Austen.


The subject of this sentence, "A combination," is singular, so the predicate should be singular, too. The original text "delightfully entertaining plot twists characterize the novels of Jane Austen" and the answer choice "delightfully entertaining plot twists have characterized the novels of Jane Austen" contain plural predicates and therefore lead to subject-verb agreement errors.

The answer choice "the fact that she twists the plot in delightfully entertaining ways characterizes the novels of Jane Austen" leads to faulty parallelism and the use of an ambiguous pronoun, and the answer choice "the fact that she twists the plot in delightfully entertaining ways characterize the novels of Jane Austen" leads to errors in both parallelism and subject-verb agreement.

Only answer choice "delightfully entertaining plot twists characterizes the novels of Jane Austen" correctly preserves the parallel structure and avoids any subject-verb agreement errors.

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