Man in a suit leaning on a wood slat wall

Get higher GMAT scores, guaranteed

See why our approach to GMAT test prep is proven to help students score higher, faster. Meet with expert tutors, learn from top live instructors, and achieve your highest possible score. And with a variety of start dates and times available, we’ve made it easier to fit test prep into your busy schedule.

Featured Packages

Get the edge you need to prep smarter, score higher, and get into the business school of your choice.

Most Popular

Small Group Classes


Meet with your class (6-9 students) and your instructor for a series of engaging and collaborative sessions.

  • 20 hours of live online small group instruction

Most Popular

GMAT Bundle


Combine a Small Group Class with personalized 1-on-1 Tutoring for extra guidance to improve your score.

  • 30 hours of live instruction (10 hours of private tutoring)

Most Popular

1-on-1 Online Tutoring

Starting at $102/hr

We’ll match you with the perfect GMAT tutor and provide a learning plan to help you get your highest score.

  • Intensive 1-on-1 instruction for quicker results

Unmatched GMAT Expertise

Woman tutor in blazer

Highly Vetted GMAT Instructors

Whether you sign up for a class, get matched with a tutor, or both, you’ll learn only from highly vetted GMAT experts who truly know the exam and can help you conquer it, question by question.

GMAT practice sections

The right kind of practice.

All our solutions come with practice resources so you can implement the strategies you are learning and easily track your progress and improvement over the course of your prep.

  • Dozens of diagnostic tests
  • Hundreds of GMAT practice questions in our question bank, ranging from easy to challenging
  • 2 full length practice tests
  • 大学导师GMAT mobile app (available on iOS & Android)

Our students have been admitted to:

list of business schools

Over 5200 5-star Reviews

"I had to take the GMAT for grad school. Getting a tutor from Varsity Tutors helped me increase my score by 80 points, which is huge!"


"After just 12 hrs I boosted my GMAT score 100 points."

—George, Trust Pilot Review

"I feel much more confident in my preparation to take the GMAT from all of my sessions with Varsity Tutors."

—Sierra, Trust Pilot Review

Featured GMAT Experts



GMAT Instructor
Vishnu scored a 780 on the GMAT, has a 4.9 rating, and has been helping Varsity Tutors clients improve their scores since 2015.



GMAT Tutor
Jean scored a 740 on the GMAT and has spent over 1900 hours helping people feel more. confident taking the GMAT since 2016.



GMAT Instructor
Ryan scored a 770 on the GMAT and is a Dartmouth graduate with over 2,000 hours of tutoring experience with Varsity Tutors. His students have rated him 4.9 out of 5 stars.

If you’ve already taken the GMAT and received an official score, we guarantee we can help you get a better score or your money back.*

man in chair with laptop

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