GED Science : GED Science

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Example Questions

Example Question #8 :Biology And Life Sciences

Mitosis and meiosis are both processes by which cells reproduce.

Which of the following statements is true about mitosis?

Possible Answers:

Mitosis creates haploid cells that are unique from the original cell.

Mitosis creates gametes.

Mitosis creates diploid cells that are exact copies of the original cell.

Mitosis creates haploid cells that are exact copies of the original cell.

Mitosis results in the formation of 4 unique daughter cells.

Correct answer:

Mitosis creates diploid cells that are exact copies of the original cell.


Mitosis creates two diploid daughter cells that are identical to the original cell. This process creates somatic (body cells).

Example Question #9 :Biology And Life Sciences

Which of the following is a key characteristic of metaphase?

Possible Answers:

Chromosomes coil so tightly that they become visible at individual structures

Nuclear membranes form and the chromosomes gradually uncoil

Chromosomes separate and move toward opposite ends of the cell

DNA replicates and there are two copies of each chromosome

The chromosomes move to a narrow central zone of the cell

Correct answer:

The chromosomes move to a narrow central zone of the cell


Metaphase is characterized by chromosomes moving to the narrow central zone of the cell called the metaphase plate/equator.

Example Question #1 :Meiosis

Which of the following events does not take place during both mitosis and meiosis?

Possible Answers:

Crossing over between non-sister chromatids

Dissolving of the nuclear membrane

The condensing of chromosomes

Separation of sister chromatids

Correct answer:

Crossing over between non-sister chromatids


Crossing over is an event that recombines DNA between homologous, non-identical chromosomes. The result is an increase in genetic variation because the resulting daughter cells have slightly different genetic combinations than the original parent cell. Crossing over only occurs during meiosis. This is because homologous chromosomes are only in adjacent positions during prophase I. Crossing over cannot occur during mitosis because this alignment is never present; daughter cells of mitosis are always genetically identical to the parent cell.

Sister chromatids separate during anaphase of mitosis and anaphase II of meiosis. Chromosomes condense and the nuclear membrane dissolves during prophase of mitosis and prophase I of meiosis.

Example Question #2 :Meiosis

Which of the following statements about meiosis is correct?

Possible Answers:

Meiosis produces diploid cells

Meiosis occurs in all of the body's cells

Meiosis supports asexual reproductive strategies

Meiosis increases genetic diversity through crossing over and independent assortment

Meiosis produces four daughter cells that are genetically identical to the original parent cell

Correct answer:

Meiosis increases genetic diversity through crossing over and independent assortment


减数分裂可以增加遗传变异刺ough crossing over and independent assortment. These processes result in daughter cells that are non-identical to the original parent cell. Crossing over describes the exchange of portions of DNA between homologous chromosomes, generating unique allelic combinations. Independent assortment means that the daughter cells of meiosis will have a mixture of genetic material from each set of the organism's alleles, representing DNA from both the mother and father sets of genes. The product of meiosis is four daughter cells that are genetically unique.

Each daughter cell of meiosis has only one copy of each gene, meaning that they are haploid. Only gametes (sex cells) undergo meiosis, allowing for sexual reproduction. The fusion of two haploid gametes results in a diploid cell.

Example Question #3 :Meiosis

Mitosis and meiosis are both processes by which cells reproduce.

Which of the following is not true about meiosis?

Possible Answers:

Cells undergoing meiosis divide twice.

Meiosis produces gametes.

Meiosis produces 4 unique daughter cells.

Meiosis produces haploid cells.

Meiosis produces identical somatic cells.

Correct answer:

Meiosis produces identical somatic cells.


Meiosis is the process that creates gametes (eggs and sperm). The cell divides twice, creating 4 unique daughter cells that contain half (haploid) of the genetic information of the parent cell. Somatic cells are body cells and they are produced via mitosis.

Example Question #1 :Cell Energy And Metabolism

Which step in cellular respiration results in the most ATP being produced?

Possible Answers:


The citric acid cycle


Oxidative phosphorylation

Correct answer:

Oxidative phosphorylation


Cellular respiration is composed of many steps used to break down glucose and convert the chemical energy into ATP. Of the four steps described in the answer choices, oxidative phosphorylation via the electron transport chain is the most effective step for producing ATP. The electron transport chain can produce between 32 and 38 ATP from a single glucose molecule.

Example Question #2 :Cell Energy And Metabolism

Where does glycolysis take place in the cell?

Possible Answers:

The intermembrane space


Mitochondrial matrix


Correct answer:



Glycolysis is the first step of glucose breakdown in cells. This process takes place in the cytosol.

The second step of cellular respiration, the citric acid cycle, takes place in the mitochondrial matrix. The third step, the electron transport chain, takes place on the inner mitochondrial membrane and requires protons to be concentrated within the intermembrane space.

Example Question #11 :Biology And Life Sciences

What statement about glycolysis is correct?

Possible Answers:

Only animal cells undergo glycolysis; plant cells do not

糖酵解过程发生在the cytoplasm, without the need for accessory organelles

Glycolysis requires the use of the cell's mitochondria

Glycolysis is not a necessary function for the cell to produce energy

Glycolysis is the breakdown of an 8-carbon sugar to two 4-carbon sugars

Correct answer:

糖酵解过程发生在the cytoplasm, without the need for accessory organelles


糖酵解是细胞代谢的第一步。我t is responsible for converting glucose (a 6-carbon sugar) into two molecules of pyruvate (a 3-carbon sugar). Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm, where the sugar molecules interact directly with enzymes. After pyruvate is created, it is transported to the mitochondria for the remainder of cellular respiration (the citric acid cycle and electron transport chain).

Though plants undergo photosynthesis, they also use cellular respiration. Glycolysis takes place in both animal and plant cells.

Example Question #4 :Cell Energy And Metabolism

Photosynthesis is a process that plants use to create energy.

What is the formula for photosynthesis?

Possible Answers:

None of these

Correct answer:


Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use the sun's energy to convert waterand carbon dioxideinto glucoseand oxygen.

Example Question #5 :Cell Energy And Metabolism

Many chemical reactions are carried out by various cell organelles.

Which of the following cell organelles carries out the reaction described by the equation?

Possible Answers:




Golgi apparatus


Correct answer:



The equationis the equation for cellular respiration. Cellular respiration happens inside the mitochondria and chloroplast for those cells containing chloroplasts.

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