
参见:杰弗逊,教育和特许经营权大多数人都知道托马斯·杰斐逊是《独立宣言》的起草人,美国第三任总统,路易斯安那州领土的购买者。但是,很少有人知道他对美国建筑的影响。你有没有想过为什么华盛顿特区的原始建筑看起来像有柱子和圆顶的古代寺庙?它们的建立是因为杰斐逊对美国和新的美国文化的愿景。杰斐逊希望美国的建国能够完全摆脱过去和英国的影响。如果这个新国家想要成功,它必须发展出一种完全属于美国的文化。人们必须把自己看作美国人,而不是殖民地的英国人。这就是为什么杰斐逊提倡一种新的政府形式,一种不同于英国的货币和新的计量体系。(他并不孤单。诺亚·韦伯斯特试图在他的字典中编纂“美式”英语。) He saw architecture as an artistic declaration that the United States was unique and not European. The inspirations for Jefferson's political and architectural beliefs were the classic civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome. This is not surprising, since he was raised in The "Age of Reason". The "Age of Reason" idealized those eras and saw them as an alternative to the monarchical societies of Europe. As a child of the "Age of Reason" Jefferson was drawn to the symmetry, clean lines and mathematical preciseness of Greek and Roman buildings. This was in direct opposition to the ornate, Rococo buildings being constructed in Europe at the time. Jefferson was enraptured by the classical world. He could read ancientGreek and Latin. He was an expert in their histories, political systems, literature and architecture. And, he considered them as the basis for establishing a new American culture. He desired to utilize his knowledge of the ancient world to establish an architectural declaration of independence. Jefferson was well prepared for the task. He was more than just a dilettante. He studied architecture for more than forty years and made himself a master of architectural drawing far superior than anyone else in America at the time. Jefferson probably had the largest architectural library in the United States. Some of the works that he possessed, and that directed him, were written by Palladio, Le Roy, Freart and Desgodet. Andrea Palladio had a great influence on Jefferson. The formality, restraint and mathematical proportions of Palladio designs, which were inspired by ancient classical structures, appealed to Jefferson. Jefferson, while Minister to France, was able to visit and study many of these ancient structures in France, England, Germany, the Low Countries and Italy. His descriptions of these monuments, in his daily account books, are the most passionate statements the staid Jefferson every wrote, even to women. At Nimes, viewing the Maison Quarree, he stated, "I gaze whole hours at the Maison Quarree, like a lover at his mistress". And, in Paris, "I was violently smitten with the Hotel de Salm". He would utilize these visits as inspirations for future structures he would design in the United States. Jefferson had a laboratory to experiment with his ideas in developing a unique form of American architecture; his own home, Monticello. In 1767 he purchased a small mountain (Monticello means ëlittle mountain' in Italian) rising above his birthplace, Shadwell. He began construction that year, a process that would continue throughout most of his life. He rebuild Monticello several times. Fiske Kimball in "Thomas Jefferson and the Arts" writes of his first efforts:
杰斐逊的建筑技巧得到了其他人的认可。他的朋友乔治·威斯请他设计自己的新居。1771年,殖民地总督邓斯莫尔要求杰斐逊重新设计威廉玛丽学院。由于革命的原因,改建没有进行,但计划要求建造一个让人想起古罗马宫殿的大拱廊庭院。正是在里士满建造的弗吉尼亚国会大厦给了杰斐逊发展美国建筑风格的机会。他认为这是“向国家介绍古代古典风格建筑的一个有利机会”。他提出了一个真正的复制他心爱的Maison Quarree的设计。作为第一任国务卿,杰斐逊有更多的机会将他的建筑理念植入美国。他协助法国工程师朗方(L'Enfant)规划新的联邦城市。他给法国人写信说:
“学术村”是在他去世前建成的,现在仍然是美国最美丽的校园之一,有寺庙般的亭台楼阁,罗马圆形大厅和成排的柱廊。建筑被称为“其他视觉艺术之母”,杰斐逊认为发展一种美国式的建筑风格将有助于建立一个新的国家和文化。Fiske Kimball也许写得最好的是杰斐逊在我们国家创建中的重要性,以及他对美国建筑的愿景: