Test:GMAT Integrated Reasoning


Email #1

Email from wedding coordinator to bride and groom

February 12, at 10:13am

"The final headcount for booking the pavilion for the reception is today. Right now we have a rough estimate of 425 people. Is this still true and if so, do we know how many people will be having the chicken dinner?"

Email #2

Email from the bride to the wedding coordinator

February 12, at 10:27am

"We are still waiting on 40 invitations to RSVP; we gave a deadline of February 15. Is there a possibility for an extension to the 15th? Of the current 425 guests 375 have opted for the chicken dinner."

Email #3

Email from the wedding coordinator to the bride

February 12, at 11:02am

"I will reach out to the pavilion to see if an extension is possible and get back to you this afternoon. We can always assume for more since the pavilion does offer a refund if any changes are made at least one week prior to the wedding."

Based on the given information in the emails, determine whether the statements are justified.

I. The wedding coordinator is not willing to extend the guest headcount deadline.

II. The bride does not have a specific, expected date to receive RSVPs.

III. The wedding coordinator gives additional options to the bride in case the pavilion will not give an extension.


II. Justified

III. Not Justified


II. Not justified

III. Justified

I. Justified

II. Justified

III. Not justified


II. Justified

III. Justified

I. Justified

II. Not justified

III. Justified

1/3 questions


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