Test:Common Core: 4th Grade English Language Arts


Coal Passage 1

The typical coal plant in the United States creates more than 125,000 tons of ash and 193,000 tons of sludge each year. On average, 42% of coal combustion waste ponds and landfills are unlined. This means that the substances in the waste can seep into the ground and nearby lakes. Some of the substances include arsenic, mercury, chromium, and cadmium. These can contaminate drinking water supplies and directly contact the consumers who drink water from these areas. The disposal of coal plant waste has damaged many ecosystems. Once the coal plants have cycled through billions of gallons of water to cool the system, it is dumped back into the river, ocean, or lake it is pulling water from. When this hot water is released back into the body of water, it creates “thermal pollution,” which can harm the plants and animals living in this area. Many plants add chemicals to their cooling water, which is released back into the lake, ocean, or river with the hot water.

Coal Passage 2

煤是一种浓缩的史前生物质能, plant life, and is the most plentiful fossil fuel produced in the United States. More than 90 percent of the coal consumed in the US is used to generate electricity. Coal power is also an essential industry source for making steel, cement, and paper, and is used in numerous other industries. Coal was a valuable resource that powered trains, steamships, and other forms of transportation for centuries. Coal is essential to the US economy and provides consumers with affordable electricity. The mining of coal and the use of coal power plants provide vital jobs to many American citizens. In 2018 15% of U.S. coal production was exported to other countries. Exporting coal has a positive effect on the United State’s economy.

The following statement would best support which point of view in the passage?

The coal used in the production of today’s electricity is extremely harmful to the environment.

This evidence would support the argument made by Passage 2, but not Passage 1

This evidence would support the argument made by Passage 1, but not Passage 2

This evidence would support the arguments made by both passages

This evidence would not support the argument made by either passage

1/5 questions


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