Test:Common Core: 4th Grade English Language Arts

Passage One
Ecuador, in South America, is home to 417 types of frogs and toads. Many of these species, or types of frogs, are at risk of dying out. In the last 50 years, many amphibian species have gone extinct. Salamanders, frogs, and toads are all amphibians. Amphibians are animals that spend part of their life in water and part on land and have backbones. Amphibians must live near water. Amphibian habitats can be found in forests, woodlots, meadows, springs, wetlands, streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, bogs, marshes. Frogs and toads are in trouble because their habitats are being destroyed as trees are being cut down to make room for farms and roads. Wetland spaces where frogs live are being drained and paved over. As these spaces are removed, the places frogs, toads, and salamanders can live shrink.

Amphibians also absorb pollution easily, because they breathe through their skin. Amphibians are usually the first to disappear when an environment is under threat from pollution. Due to pollution, some frogs are born with deformed, or wrongly shaped, body parts, such as extra legs and eyes. Frogs with deformed body parts are a clue for scientists that an environment is suffering. Between the destruction of their habitats and risks to frogs from pollution, frogs are at risk of endangerment and extinction. Scientists are working to save amphibians. Scientists want the government to pass laws that protect amphibian habitats and limit pollution.

Passage Two
我的名字是玛丽亚和我是两栖动物conservation biologist. This means I am a scientist who studies and protects frogs, toads, and salamanders. My job is to protect amphibians and their natural habitats, share this knowledge with the public, and research ways to help reintroduce frogs in captivity back into the wild. I have the best job in the world. I work in a zoo, but I often travel to places like Brazil to observe amphibians in their natural habitats in the wild. Brazil, for example, has 1,022 different types of frogs, toads, and salamanders! In my work at the zoo, I specialize in only a small portion of that number. Here in the zoo, we have many amphibians in our care because some or all of their natural habitats, or homes, were destroyed. We are not alone in our work to protect amphibians. Many people, in many kinds of jobs, are helping protect amphibians and their habitats. I partner with other scientists and lawyers, like my friend Fernanda, to help create laws that best support the conservation, or protection, of amphibians. Fernanda is an environmental lawyer who works to create laws that protect diverse wildlife. She, in turn, needs to partner with government workers to help get laws passed. Together, our goal is to work together to build a world where these amphibians have a safe space to live outside of the zoo, in their natural habitat, protected from pollution or loss of space. We are working with a facility in Brazil to build a safe wild space for amphibians to be released from the zoo and into a place where they can thrive. The new habitat will be a protected wetland for these amphibians.


From what source did the author of Passage 2 most likely get her evidence about a new protected wetland habitat for amphibians in Brazil?

A nonfiction book on frog habitats

A scientific journal about amphibians

A work team she is a part of that is building this space

A website describing habitats of different frogs

1/10 questions


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