Test:Ancient History: Greece

古希腊的地形不适合well to farming and agricultural pursuits. The craggy mountains and stony land of most of the country was unfit for farming and made travel long and arduous. The land in the valleys, while fertile and more suited for farming, could not support a large population of a few million people and did not lead to a luxurious lifestyle. However, geography had an influence on political life. The mountains divided the country into different regions. There was no single form of government. The villages in the mountain valleys were small and independent. Ancient Greeks were extremely loyal to their own community. The ancient Greeks enjoyed a varied climate with temperatures at 48 degrees in the winter and 80 degrees in the summer. For the ancient world, this was a moderate climate conducive to an outdoor life. The outdoor events of the ancient Greeks influenced their world and world of the future.


The lifestyle and politics of the ancient Greeks were influenced by terrain and climate to the extent that it encouraged what activities that would have a future effect on Greece and the world?

Public and civic events to discuss public issues and news

Seafaring and trade

Building monuments to the gods

Painting and creating sculptures of the gods

Sheep and goat farming

1/1 questions


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