Test:一个CT English

一个dapted from "The Weakness, Unrest, and Defects of Man," fromThe Thoughts ofBlaise Pascal(ed. 1901)

We care nothing for the present. We anticipate the futureastoo slow in coming, as if we could make it movefaster; or wecallback the past, to stop itsrapid flight. So imprudent are we that we wander through the times in which we have no part, unthinking of that which alone is ours; so frivolous are we that we dream of the days which are not and pass by without reflection those which alone exist.For the days of the present generally gives us pain; we conceal it from our sight because it afflicts us, andif it be pleasant, we regret to see it vanish away. We endeavor to sustain the present by the future, and think of arranging thingsnot in our power, for a time at whichwe have no certainty of arriving.

If we examine our thoughts, we shall find them always occupied with the past or the future. We scarcely think of the present, and if we do so, it is onlythat we may borrowlight from it to direct the future.The present is never our end; the past and the present are our means, the future alone is our end.Thus we never live, but hope to live, and while we always lay ourselves outto be happy, it is inevitable that we can never be so.


Which of the following best translates the author’s usage of “as” bolded in the second sentence?

akin to



as being

1/75 questions


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