Test:ACT English

As hesteppedinto the shower that morning, Ronald wondered whether hewould bescaldedor frozen.It would happen every morningbecause his neighborsusuallytook their showers at the same time as he did, and the water temperature would either dipprecariouslyor rise sharply, depending on the day. About five minutes into his shower, he could hear the telltale sound ofhis neighbors' turningon their shower, and he braced himself. Sure enough, a jet of steaming hot waterwas shootingthrough the shower nozzle, and Ronald darted to the side to wait until it cooled down again. As it was January, he was grateful that itwasntcold water—if ithad been, hemight ofspent the whole morning frozenin a block of ice. Soon the water returned to normal, and Ronald resumed his shower, cursing himself for ever moving into such an old building in the first place.


Choose the answer that best corrects the bolded portion of the passage. If the bolded portion is correct as written, choose "NO CHANGE."


was stepping


is stepping

1/40 questions


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