Test:ACT English

Ivan and Oscar, two little white mice living inMrs. Wiggins house, were desperate for some cheese, but the only way to get to the kitchenwas climbing downthe old suit of armor that Mrs. Wigginsbroughtback from England after her honeymoon. Ivanhad went downto the kitchen many times before, but Oscar was new toit all andhe was more nervous than he would admit. They came out at the hole in the wall above the suit ofarmorsleft shoulder, and Oscar watched as Ivanslipped fastinto the joins between the steel plates. He then heard Ivan scuttling down throughthe shoulder, chest, and the left legbefore emerging through the left foot below. "Come ondown Oscar" called the courageous mouse. Oscar made his way into the shoulder just as his friend haddone, butsomehow got mixed up and ended up in the right arm. The twists and turns inside the armor were too complicated for histiny, mousymind. Finally he called out, "Help, Ivan! Help!Wontyou help me make it through the knight?"


Choose the answer that best corrects the bolded portion of the passage. If the bolded portion is correct as written, choose "NO CHANGE."

the shoulder, chest, and left leg

the shoulder, the chest, and left leg

the shoulder, chest, left leg


1/27 questions


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