Test:ACT English

The housestood, at the bottom of a hill,making it hard to see from the street.The owner wants it that way, as he had no use for any of his neighbors.“Nosy sneaks and cheats” hewouldto say to his son. Not that his sonever really listening. The old man did not see him very much, eitherat his home or going anywhere else. Every time he did see him, his son would just complain about how hishouse was dark musty, and filthy. The old man did not need such criticism, especiallyfrom only his blood relative. He had lived in that house for fifty years, and plannedto live there as long as he possibly could. While he lived there, his neighbors would never see him or his house if he could help it.He could take care of him,and steadfastly refused to allow anyone to help.In his tiny house, at the bottom of the hill,the old man was content to be alone, andbelieved he was living perfect.


Choose the answer that best corrects the bolded portion of the passage. If the bolded portion is correct as written, choose "NO CHANGE."

only from his blood relative

from his blood only relative


from his only blood relative

1/4 questions


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