Test:ACT English

Paul stood waiting, for the meeting with James.He had arrived early at the little alleyway in northern Bramville, waiting to meet the other man at a pub named the “Pick and the Shovel.” The whole situation was extremely strange, for Paul had never met James. Indeed, nobody whom Paul knew had met him. Hitherto, the mysterious man had been nothing more than a voice on the phone and a conversationalist via e-mail.

The making, of the trip to Bramville, wasutterly unexpected, and his companions had encouraged him to reconnoiter the situation, record his thoughts, and communicate them within the coming week.Many peoples’ fatesrode on the character of thismysteriousman, this James. By stroke of luck, Paul wasabout to meet him.

Although Paul was quite certain that this was the appropriate course of action, he was still quite unnerved.Thousands of miles from his home, far from any friends, and without a cell phone,he could well be the target of a dangerous man. For this reason, he watched very intently as every person passed by, particularly those men who were alone.Many times, he asked himself, “Is that him”?

Thus, Paul watched and waited, somewhat overcome with fear yet also anxious to meet this mysterious man. It was time for a meeting with this man,upon whose mysterious persona were placed so many hopes. Though Paul was nervous to be the person to meet James,he knew that he was the man to whomthis task had been appointed by fate.


Which of the following options would end the third paragraph by indicating that James had not yet arrived?

The question was permitted to be spoken, although it seemed quite strange to see a man speaking to himself.

问这个问题时,他默默地盯着道n the street.

The question was not answered by those who passed by.

The silence itself was the answer, "No, it is not him."

1/2 questions


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