AP World History : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, and Decolonization

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Example Question #11 :Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, Decolonization, And Globalization 600 Bce To 600 Ce

马可·奥里利乌斯被认为是一个有益的dictator by many scholars, not only because the empire was so prosperous during his reign, but because____________________.

Possible Answers:

he gave far-flung provinces of the empire back to the indigenous people

his diary, "The Meditations," was serially published during his reign so fellow Romans understood his reasoning

he was a learned man who respected human life to the point where he tried to ban gladiator games, yet did his military duty when Rome required

he was a learned man who respected human life to the point where he forbade the military to fight wars of aggression

he outlawed slavery

Correct answer:

he was a learned man who respected human life to the point where he tried to ban gladiator games, yet did his military duty when Rome required


Marcus Aurelius is considered a beneficent leader, in part, because he attempted to outlaw gladiator games; finding the violence grotesque and wasteful, but when the empire was threatened by revolt he put them down by force and kept the empire united.

All wars in Roman history were considered defensive wars by their own people.

"The Meditations" was only published long after Aurelius died; he had no intention of ever publishing it, serially or otherwise.

Slavery was an important part of the Roman economy, Marcus Aurelius did not outlaw slavery.

Marcus Aurelius did not return far-flung provinces of the empire over to self-rule.

Example Question #901 :Ap World History

Hattusa was the capital city of_______________.

Possible Answers:

the Eastern Roman Empire

the Hittite Empire

the Babylonian Empire

the Mayan Empire

the Egyptian Empire

Correct answer:

the Hittite Empire


Hattusa was the capital city of the Hittite empire in what is today central Turkey.

One of the first capitals of Mayan civilization was El Mirador.

The Babylonian empire's capital was Babylon itself.

Over 3000 years of self-rule, the Egyptian empire had different capital cities, most notably Memphis; Hattusa was not a capital under the Egyptian empire.

The eastern Roman empire was centered in Constantinople, what is today officially Istanbul.

Example Question #11 :Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization

The Hellenistic Empire emerged______________.

Possible Answers:

following the Roman conquest of classical Egypt

out of the conquests of Alexander the Great

out of the conquests of Darius I

out of an alliance between Athens and Sparta

following the Roman conquest of classical Greece

Correct answer:

out of the conquests of Alexander the Great


希腊帝国是马的名字ssive territory conquered by Alexander the Great in the fourth century B.C.E. Alexander, ruler of the Macedonian Kingdom, conquered much of the known world from Egypt all the way to the Indian subcontinent. But, after his death, his conquests were divided between the surviving generals of his campaign. This divided territory is collectively called the Hellenistic Empire.

Example Question #14 :Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, Decolonization, And Globalization 600 Bce To 600 Ce

The Seleucid Empire__________.

Possible Answers:

was a Hellenistic state that ruled over much of the former Egyptian Empire

was a Hellenistic state that ruled over much of the former Persian Empire

亚历山大大帝征服领土是唯一的吗Great to successfully resist Roman occupation

conquered much of the known-world under the leadership of Alexander the Great

waned in influence during the Hellenistic period

Correct answer:

was a Hellenistic state that ruled over much of the former Persian Empire


Following the untimely death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C.E. his massive empire was divided between his most powerful generals. The Seleucid Empire was one such Hellenistic state that was established by Seleucus I Nicator in 312 B.C.E. The Seleucid Empire ruled over much of the former Persian Empire - stretching from Mesopotamia to India.

Example Question #15 :Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, Decolonization, And Globalization 600 Bce To 600 Ce

All of the following took place under the reign of Augustus Caesar except__________.

Possible Answers:

Roman rule extended across the whole of southeastern Europe

Rome took control of the remainder of the Iberian peninsula

Rome conquered the British Isles

Rome took control of much of coastal North Africa

Rome expanded into modern-day Germany

Correct answer:

Rome conquered the British Isles


Augustus Caesar was one of the most accomplished and esteemed rulers (and emperors) in the history of Rome. He expanded Roman territory in Iberia, Germany, southeastern Europe, North Africa, and the near-east. He did not, however, conquer the British Isles. The Roman conquest of Britain was completed in waves, beginning with Emperor Claudius in 43 C.E. and completed with the construction of Hadrian's Wall in the second century C.E.

Example Question #12 :Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization

The Persian Royal Road was built during the rule of__________.

Possible Answers:

Cyrus the Great



Darius I


Correct answer:

Darius I


The Persian Royal Road was built during the fifth century B.C.E. under the orders of the Persian Emperor Darius I. The road was constructed to allow Darius to better administer his vast empire, to encourage trade and facilitate the movement of armies from one part of the empire to another.

Example Question #13 :Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization

The Olmec civilization flourished in__________.

Possible Answers:

North America


East Africa

North Africa

Central America

Correct answer:

Central America


The Olmec civilization was the first major civilization to arise in Mexico, in Central America. The Olmecs arose during the Mesoamerican Neolithic Revolution in the first millennium before the common era. They are considered to be the forerunners of the later Mayan and Aztec civilizations.

Example Question #14 :Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization

The murder of__________led to a civil war that paved the way for the rise of the Roman Empire.

Possible Answers:

Mark Antony



Julius Caesar


Correct answer:

Julius Caesar


The murder of Julius Caesar, at the hands of senators in the Roman Senate, led to a civil war that paved the way for the rise of Augustus Caesar and the Roman Empire.

Example Question #19 :Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, Decolonization, And Globalization 600 Bce To 600 Ce

A Roman Triumph was__________.

Possible Answers:

an extension of Roman citizenship to foreign individuals who attained great wealth through commercial ventures

a public honoring of a successful military commander and celebration of territorial conquest

a temporary dictator given absolute power over the Roman Republic during times of crises or civil unrest

an extension of Roman citizenship to foreign individuals who served with distinction in the Roman army

a public arts project designed to increase feelings of community in the city of Rome

Correct answer:

a public honoring of a successful military commander and celebration of territorial conquest


A Roman Triumph was a public parade or monument undertaken or constructed to honor a successful military commander and to celebrate his territorial conquests. It was an important part of social life in the city of Rome and a useful political tool for would-be consuls, dictators, and emperors.

Example Question #15 :Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization

The Achaemenid Empire was formed by_____________.

Possible Answers:



Cyrus the Great


Alexander the Great

Correct answer:

Cyrus the Great


The Achaemenid Empire was formed by Cyrus the Great in 552 BCE It is considered the prototype of the later, much larger, Persian Empire.

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