AP World History : Political and Governmental Structures 1750 to 1900

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Example Questions

Example Question #842 :Ap World History

奥斯曼帝国是我的第一部宪法ntroduced in what year?

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



The first Ottoman constitution was introduced in 1876. It rejected the millet system and vested some power in the Senate but the Sultan remained a strong figure.

Example Question #843 :Ap World History

Who was the dominant political party in France during the brief rule of Robespierre and the Reign of Terror?

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



雅各宾派和吉伦特派进行着艰苦斗争两个政治parties who emerged into prominence during the French Revolution. The Jacobins were considered the more radical of the two groups and are credited with encouraging bloodshed before and during the Reign of Terror. The Reign of Terror (1793-1794) was the most brutal part of the French Revolution. It was administered by the, rather inappropriately named, Committee for Public Safety which was headed by the infamous Maximilien Robespierre. During the Reign of Terror the Jacobins had the Girondins executed. Eventually the Committee for Public Safety would lose support of the French population and, to mark the end of the Reign of Terror, Robespierre was sentenced to death.

Example Question #844 :Ap World History

摘要h governing body was formed when the Third Estate broke from the Estates General at the beginning of the French Revolution?

Possible Answers:

The Duma


The Houses of Parliament

The Reichstag

The National Assembly

Correct answer:

The National Assembly


地产一般一直执政rliamentary body of the French Kingdom, but unlike their English counterpart, the Estates General had limited power and could only be convened at the discretion of the monarch. At the beginning of the French Revolution the Estates General was replaced with the National Assembly (after the Third Estates - the common people - broke from the Estates General).

Example Question #845 :Ap World History

摘要h of these Chinese ruling dynasties immediately preceded the formation of the Republic of China?

Possible Answers:

The Ming

The Han

The Yuan

The Qing

The Song

Correct answer:

The Qing


The Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) was the last ruling dynasty in Chinese history before the formation of the Republic of China.

Example Question #846 :Ap World History

The Ottoman general, turned ruler, Muhammad Ali governed which of these countries in the first-half of the nineteenth century?

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



Muhammad Ali was a general in the Ottoman army who eventually gained control over the territory of modern-day Egypt. His authority was temporarily approved by the Ottoman Empire and Ali set about establishing, reforming, and modernizing the Egyptian state.

Example Question #847 :Ap World History

Select the ruling force which assumed the governorship of Paris in July 1792.

Possible Answers:

The Sans-culottes

King Louis XVI

The Jacobins

The Commune

The Legislative Assembly

Correct answer:

The Commune


In July 1792, under severe pressure from the city’s working class population, the vital city of Paris set up a new form of city-wide government. Known as the Paris Commune, this new system was comprised of a special committee, staffed with elected representatives from each of the city’s municipalities. Very swiftly, the Paris Commune became an extremely strong radical force, with a fixation on defending the city, as well as the entire country, from so-called “enemies” of the Revolution. Anyone suspected of dubious and/or anti-Revolutionary loyalty was forcibly intimidated by Commune members; the group soon added lengthy imprisonment and execution to its repertoire as well. As fear of the Commune spread, so too did the body’s fearsome reputation; before long, the Commune wielded a strong share of political dominance over the entire Revolutionary national government, sharing both its fervent, forceful ideals and its embrace of violent tactics.

Example Question #841 :Ap World History

Select the type of government favored by the French Jacobins.

Possible Answers:

A theocracy


A parliamentary monarchy

A republic

A constitutional monarchy

Correct answer:

A republic


The Jacobins were one of the most influential political groups in the era of the French Revolution. Formed by members of the Third Estate who had served in the National Constituent Assembly, the Jacobins were fervent devotees of Enlightenment principles; they especially idolized the French political thinker, Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Inspired by Rousseau’s ideals of civic virtue and social equality, the Jacobins campaigned for the institution of a republic, a structure that they believed would most effectively and justly govern their people. After news of King Louis XVI’s attempted escape from Paris was revealed, many outraged French citizens threw their support behind the Jacobins’ republican plan.

Example Question #849 :Ap World History

What were the two primary defining characteristics of the Edo Period of Japanese history?

Possible Answers:

Religious schism and lack of military conflict

Isolationism and economic growth

Religious schism and economic growth

Isolationism and lack of military conflict

Economic growth and lack of military conflict

Correct answer:

Isolationism and lack of military conflict


The Edo period of Japanese history is also called the Tokugawa Period, or the Tokugawa Shogunate. It began in the late sixteenth century with the unification of Japan and continued until 1868 with the Meiji Restoration. The first characteristic of the Edo Period was Japan’s persistent isolationism and refusal to interact with European and American traders, imperialists, and missionaries. The second important characteristic was the distinct lack of military conflict, especially when compared to the feudal nature of Japanese society prior to unification. Unification had been completed under Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Example Question #850 :Ap World History

摘要h of these statements about Japan during the Tokugawa period is least accurate?

Possible Answers:

The country became far more isolationist

The merchant class grew in wealth and influence

The population increased significantly

Civil wars frequently broke out between competing Daimyos

Culture and arts flourished as elites had more time to devote to leisure

Correct answer:

Civil wars frequently broke out between competing Daimyos


Wars between competing Daimyos had been common before the Tokugawa period (which begins at the end of the sixteenth century). After the unification of Japan and the beginning of the Tokugawa Shogunate, however, conflicts between competing landowners became increasingly less common.

Example Question #131 :Political And Governmental Structures

摘要h Chinese Dynasty lasted from 1644 until 1912 and was the largest multi-cultural Chinese empire and established the territorial boundaries of modern China?

Possible Answers:

Ming Dynasty

Mao Dynasty


Qing Dynasty

Shun Dynasty

Correct answer:

Qing Dynasty


The Qing dynasty, which succeeded the Ming Dynasty, durably lasted for over 300 years and expanded to the area that is roughly the territorial boundaries of modern China. Ruled as an absolute monarchy, it was defeated during the Xinhai Revolution in 1912.

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