AP World History : Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, Decolonization, and Globalization 600 CE to 1450

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Example Question #11 :Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, Decolonization, And Globalization 600 Ce To 1450

Which of these statements about Kublai Khan is inaccurate?

Possible Answers:

He led the conquest of Russia by the Golden Horde

He presided over the Mongol Empire at the height of its territorial reach

He formed the Yuan Dynasty in China

All of these statements are accurate

He was the grandson of Genghis Khan

Correct answer:

He led the conquest of Russia by the Golden Horde


Kublai Khan was the grandson of Genghis Khan (the founder of the Mongol Empire). He presided over the Mongol Empire at the height of its territorial reach and established the Yuan Dynasty in China in 1271 CE. He did not, however, lead the Golden Horde and the Mongol conquest of Russia - that honor belongs to Batu Khan.

Example Question #12 :Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, Decolonization, And Globalization 600 Ce To 1450

The conquests of which of these rulers was divided by the Treaty of Verdun?

Possible Answers:

William, Duke of Normandy


Julius Caesar

Attila the Hun


Correct answer:



凡尔登条约签署了公元843年。它的股息ded the Carolingian Empire and the conquests of Charlemagne into three kingdoms, each to be ruled by one of Charlemagne’s sons. The Holy Roman Empire emerged from one of the kingdoms established by the Treaty of Verdun.

Example Question #13 :Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, Decolonization, And Globalization 600 Ce To 1450

The Sassanid Empire came to an end__________.

Possible Answers:


shortly after the fall of the Byzantine Empire

following the rise of Zoroastrianism

during the First Crusade

with the Muslim conquests of the seventh century

Correct answer:

with the Muslim conquests of the seventh century


The Sassanid Empire emerged from the ashes of the Parthian Empire in the third century. It was the last Persian ruling dynasty of Iran before the Muslim conquests of the seventh century. The Sassanid Empire ruled over the vast majority of the territory that would today be recognized as the Middle East for four centuries.

Example Question #14 :Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, Decolonization, And Globalization 600 Ce To 1450

The Umayyad Caliphate was immediately succeeded by the__________.

Possible Answers:

Rashidun Caliphate

Ayyubid Dynasty

Mamluk Caliphate

Abbasid Caliphate

Han Dynasty

Correct answer:

Abbasid Caliphate


The Umayyad Caliphate came to power in modern-day Syria in the mid-seventh century and dramatically extended the rule of Islam to include all of North Africa, the Iberian peninsula, and parts of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The Umayyads were immediately succeeded by the Abbasid Caliphate, who took control of the Islamic world in the mid-eighth century and ruled until dissolution in the thirteenth century.

Example Question #64 :Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization

Mahmud of Ghazni ruled a sultanate centered around modern-day__________.

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



Mahmud of Ghazni ruled a sultanate centered around modern-day Afghanistan in the eleventh century. He is the most famous ruler of the Ghaznavid Empire. When he came to power Ghazna was a small city of little global prominence or significance, by the end of his reign he had established a powerful empire that included most of modern-day Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan and parts of northern India.

Example Question #15 :Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, Decolonization, And Globalization 600 Ce To 1450

Which of the following areas were NOT exposed to the Turkic expansion, which began in the 1360s?

Possible Answers:


The Fertile Crescent

Southern Russia



Correct answer:



Under Timur, various Turkic tribes expanded through Central Asia, beginning in the 1360s. The Timurid Empire eventually covered most of the Middle East, including the Fertile Crescent, Persia (Iraq), and parts of modern-day India and Russia.

Example Question #67 :Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, And Decolonization

Which of these statements about Genghis Khan is inaccurate?

Possible Answers:

He united the Mongol tribes and formed the Mongol Empire

All of these statements are accurate

He was the grandfather of Kublai Khan

He ruled over the Mongolian Empire at the height of its territorial reach

He favored meritocracy and rewarded talented individuals

Correct answer:

He ruled over the Mongolian Empire at the height of its territorial reach


Genghis Khan is one of the most influential figures in human history. He rose to power in Mongol society and united the Mongol tribes in the twelfth century, before leading them on a widespread conquest of Eurasia. He was indeed the grandfather of Kublai Khan (who presided over the Mongol Empire at the height of its territorial reach). He also, famously, employed a meritocratic approach to appointments and rewarded talented individuals over those with good family connections.

Example Question #16 :Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, Decolonization, And Globalization 600 Ce To 1450

Clovis and Charlemagne were important rulers in the__________.

Possible Answers:

Duchy of Normandy

Frankish Empire

Kingdom of Naples

Spanish Empire

Roman Empire

Correct answer:

Frankish Empire


Clovis and Charlemagne were important rulers in the Frankish Empire. Clovis I founded the Frankish Empire in 496 CE and Charlemagne the Great extended the territory of the Frankish Empire and formed what is known as the Carolingian Empire in the ninth century.

Example Question #17 :Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, Decolonization, And Globalization 600 Ce To 1450

The Mongol siege and sack of the Baghdad, leading to the fall of the Abbasid Caliphate, occurred in what year?

Possible Answers:

1258 CE

1453 CE

1066 CE

1415 CE

476 CE

Correct answer:

1258 CE


The grandson of Genghis Khan, Hulagu Khan, seized and conquered the jewel of Islam in February 1258. The civilian population of Baghdad suffered terribly. The city was looted and raised including the epicenter of Islamic intellect- the grand library of Baghdad. This effectively ended the Islamic Golden Age, causing the recentering of Muslim culture to the Mamluk capitol of Cairo.

Example Question #18 :Empires, Colonialism, Imperialism, Decolonization, And Globalization 600 Ce To 1450

The Mongol warlord Timur ruled over__________.

Possible Answers:

the Ilkhan Empire

the Delhi Sultanate

the Jagatai Khanate

the Golden Horde


Correct answer:

the Jagatai Khanate


The Mongol warlord Timur reigned over the Jagatai Khanate from 1370 to 1405. During this time he led a series of military conquests against Persia, Russia, the Middle East, Central Asia, and the Indian subcontinent. Notably he sacked the city of Delhi and led to the weakening of the Delhi Sultanate. Timur could probably be considered to be the last of the great Mongol warlords.

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