AP European History : Political Protest; Reforms; Revolution

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Example Question #31 :Political Protest; Reforms; Revolution

When the Tudor Line of England died with Elizabeth I, since she had no children, what new monarchy took over as the Kings and Queens of England.

Possible Answers:

The House of Windsor

The House of Lancaster

The House of Stuarts

The House of York

The House of Hannover

Correct answer:

The House of Stuarts


After the end of the Tudor line, the King of Scotland, James VI of Scotland, was invited by Parliament to take the throne of England and untie the two nations under one Stuart monarchy.

Example Question #32 :Political Protest; Reforms; Revolution

All of the following caused the English Civil War except_____________.

Possible Answers:

the widespread demand for an expanded electorate

increased taxation

reforms to the Church of England that inspired fears of Catholicism

国王查rles I's inability to work with Parliament

fears over increasing threats to royal authority

Correct answer:

the widespread demand for an expanded electorate


Although the Levellers did want to expand the electorate, they were only one part of the Parliamentarians, who were only one side of the fight during the Civil War. All of the other answers describe tensions that led to the war--increased taxation, fears over Catholicism, and the inability of Parliament and King Charles I to work together.

Example Question #33 :Political Protest; Reforms; Revolution

What was the first Constitution adopted by a European Government?

Possible Answers:

May 3rd Constitution (Poland)

Constitution of France

The Greek Constitution

The Spanish Constitution

Correct answer:

May 3rd Constitution (Poland)


Poland became the first nation to adopt a Constitution in 1791 when it attempted late reforms meant to pull the nation together and to defend against increased aggression by Poland's neighbors. It ultimately proved to serve the opposite as a new Polish government under this constitution would have been more powerful, and thus prompted Poland's neighbors (Prussia, Russia, and Austria) to invade and take over before this could happen.

Example Question #34 :Political Protest; Reforms; Revolution

What caused Henry VIII to split England off from the Roman Catholic Church and form the Church of England?

Possible Answers:

The Pope wouldn't recognize Henry's daughter as ruler of England

The Bishop of Canterbury told the Pope that Henry VIII wasn't going to church anymore

The Pope refused to annul Henry's second marriage

The Pope would not annul (cancel/allow a divorce) Henry's marriage with Catherine of Aragon

Henry VIII didn't like the Catholic church anymore and wanted to make his own church that he would like

Correct answer:

The Pope would not annul (cancel/allow a divorce) Henry's marriage with Catherine of Aragon


Henry wished to get a divorce with his then wife, Catherine, so that he could marry Anne Boleyn. Mostly because Catherine could not produce a male heir for him.

Example Question #35 :Political Protest; Reforms; Revolution

What conflict, partially financed by the French Monarchy, was a key contributing factor to France's debt, which caused the monarchy to unfairly tax its citizens, which helped lead to the revolution of 1789?

Possible Answers:

The Seven Years War

The Hundred Years War

The American Revolution

The War of the Roses

The French and Indian War

Correct answer:

The American Revolution


The American Revolution was a key drain on France's funds, which caused the Monarchy to (ill-advisedly) decide on extreme taxation on the poor as a method to pay their debts.

Example Question #36 :Political Protest; Reforms; Revolution

Pugachev's Rebellion (1773-1774) was significant for which of the following reasons?

Possible Answers:

It seriously hampered any enlightened tendencies of Catherine I of Russia and reinforced reactionary tendencies among Russia's ruling class.

Pugachev's Rebellion was the last major uprising against a Russian Tsar before 1917.

Catherine deported all Cossacks out of the Russian Empire as punishment for supporting the Rebellion.

Pugachev was revealed to be the deposed Tsar Peter III in disguise.

Pugachev's Rebellion was the first major uprising against a Russian Tsar.

Correct answer:

It seriously hampered any enlightened tendencies of Catherine I of Russia and reinforced reactionary tendencies among Russia's ruling class.


普加乔夫起义后凯瑟琳我strong stance against any revolutionary tendencies, domestic and abroad. She would subsequently take a negative view of both the American and French Revolutions. The other answers are incorrect for the following reasons: There had been several major uprisings against Russian Tsars before Pugachev, and his rebellion was not the last major uprising until 1917, as the Revolution of 1905 was absolutely a major uprising. There was a rumor that Pugachev was Peter III, but this was a lie spread by Pugachev to engender dissent against Catherine I. Finally, following Pugachev's rebellion Catherine opted to integrate and assimilate the Cossacks more into Russian culture and institutions, rather than deport them.

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