Algebra II : Types of Numbers

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Example Question #11 :Types Of Numbers

What sets do the numbershave in common?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Step 1: Define the different sets:

Rational: Any number that can be expressed as a fraction (improper/proper form) (example:)
Irrational: Any number whose decimal expansion cannot be written as a fraction. (example:)
Real numbers: The combination of all numbers that belong in the Rational and the Irrational set. (Example:)
Integers: All whole numbers from.(Example:)
Natural Numbers (AKA Counting numbers): All numbers greater than or equal to 1,

Step 2: Let's categorize the numbers given in the question to these sets above:

belongs to the set of rational numbers, natural numbers, and integers.
belongs to the set of rational numbers and integers.
belongs to the set of rational numbers.

Step 3: Analyze each number closely and pull out any sets where all three numbers belong..

All three numbers belong to the set of rational numbers.

In math, we symbolize rational numbers as
So, all three numbers belong to the sets

Example Question #12 :Types Of Numbers

Which of the following are natural numbers?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


The definition of natural numbers states that the number may not be negative, and must be countable where:

Decimal places and fractions are also not allowed.

The value of fifty percent equates to

The only possible answer is:

Example Question #13 :Types Of Numbers

Which of the following represents a natural number?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Natural numbers are numbers can be countable. Natural numbers cannot be negative. They are whole numbers which include zero.

The fraction given is not a natural number.

注意that the imaginary termcan be reduced. Recall that, and.这意味着

The answer is:

Example Question #14 :Types Of Numbers

Try without a calculator.

True or false:

The setincludes only rational numbers.

Possible Answers:



Correct answer:



A rational number, by definition, is one that can be expressed as a quotient of integers. Each of the fractions in the set -- is such a number. The sole integer, 1, is also rational, since any integer can be expressed as the quotient of the integer itself and 1.

Example Question #15 :Types Of Numbers

True or false: The setcomprises only whole numbers.

Possible Answers:



Correct answer:



The whole numbers are defined to be 0 and the so-called counting numbers, ornaturalnumbers1, 2, 3, and so forth. Negative integersandare not included in this set.

Example Question #16 :Types Of Numbers

Which of the following is a complex number?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


By definition, a complex number is a number with an imaginary term denoted as i.

A complex number is in the form,

whererepresents the real part of the number andrepresents the imaginary portion of the complex number.

Therefore, the complex number which is the solution is

Example Question #17 :Types Of Numbers

True or false:

The following set comprises only rational numbers:

Possible Answers:



Correct answer:



By the Quotient of Powers Property,

Therefore, each element, the square root of a fraction, can be seen to be the fraction of the square roots of the individual parts. Each numerator and denominator is a perfect square, so each square root is a fraction of integers:

By definition, any integer fraction, being a quotient of integers, is a rational number, so all elements in the set are rational.

Example Question #18 :Types Of Numbers

True or false:

The following set comprises only imaginary numbers:

Possible Answers:



Correct answer:



To raiseto the power of any positive integer, divide the integer by 4 and note the remainder. The correct power is given according to the table below.

Powers of i

Every element in the set is equal toraised to an even-numbered power, so when each exponent is divided by 4, the remainder will be either 0 or 2. Therefore, each element is equal to either 1 or.Consequently, the set includesnoimaginary numbers.

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