ACT English : Reorganizing Content

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Example Questions

Example Question #7 :Separating, Combining, Or Reordering Sentences

[1] Today, passengers can travel through the 31-mile tunnel in just 20 minutes. [2]However, cars cannot drive through the tunnel.[3],而有些人选择乘坐客运trains, it is also possible to travel via car. [4] Instead, cars must be driven onto special trains. [5] Passengers then remain in their cars during the journey, and upon reaching the station, they simply drive their cars off the train.

In order to make this paragraph as logical as possible, where should Sentence 2 be placed?


After Sentence 4

After Sentence 5

Before Sentence 1

Where it is now

After Sentence 3

Correct answer:

After Sentence 3


"However" suggests a contrast. The logical contrast in this paragraph is the contrast between the statement that it is possible to take a car through the tunnel and the statement that the car cannot simply be driven through the tunnel.

Example Question #8 :Separating, Combining, Or Reordering Sentences

My childhood was fairly idyllic.I grew up in southern suburbia,we could play outside nearly year round. Wealmost played outside every day.Our days were filled with bike rides, jumping on the trampoline, playing in the sprinklers,and alsoimagination games. Countless afternoons were spent in the side yard of our home, where our imaginations were the limit to our fun. One of our favorite games was “Lost Children.” Oddly enough, the parents in the game were always deceased or fighting in a foreign war. The source of this game likely stemmed from the books we read.

My mother’s old, rusty, orange wheelbarrow was perpetually propped up against the fence, to serve as the base for our makeshift range. The metal braces beneath the wheelbarrow bin provided the perfect resting place for a pair of burners, hastily sketched on a flat board. Old paint buckets became a sink and a stained picnic table was scrubbed to a relative state of cleanliness.Our visitors, who were often kings and queens,were served heaping helpings of mud and grass pie, possibly adorned with a side helping of flowers. Household chores were far more fun to do in our imaginary world, and we would eagerly sweep and dust our humble home.Even covered in leaves, we loved our outdoor kitchen.

其他的日子里,我们将在neighborho蹦蹦跳跳od park, sometimes venturing into the woods to go exploring. One time we borrowed my little sister’s wagon and flew down the sides of the ditch.Although we had a grand timemy mother was not pleased when she had to replace the broken axle. On adventurous days, we would pretend to be statues on the entrance sign to our neighborhood. But,the most perfect afternoons were spentbiking up to the local corner store. With spending money burning a hole in our pockets, we would peruse the convenience store shelves,and after carefully picking our selections,we would pedal home. Our plastic shopping bags hung from the handlebars, rustling in the wind.

的bite of crisp fall evenings would barely phase our childlike fantasies. But, to our dismay, twilight would inevitably seep into our childhood world. Mother would call us in for dinner and a bath, if needed.Tired, beds were welcomed.I would often fall asleep to the gentle rhythm of my mother’s voice.

的author is considering adding the following sentence between the two sentences bolded at the end of the passage's last paragraph:

"However, after a lovely family dinner, the fantasy could begin again as childhood bedtime stories took us to Avonlea with Anne or the Swiss Alps with Heidi."

Should the writer make this addition here?


No, because it distracts attention from the paragraph’s focus, which is coming inside from playing.

Yes, because it continues the theme of imagination and fantasy, and links the previous sentence to the concluding sentences. It reduces ambiguity.

No, because it adds information about bedtime stories, when the passage is about playing outside.

Yes, because it reinforces the idea of childhood being idyllic.

Correct answer:

Yes, because it continues the theme of imagination and fantasy, and links the previous sentence to the concluding sentences. It reduces ambiguity.


"Yes, because it continues the theme of imagination and fantasy, and links the previous sentence to the concluding sentences. It reduces ambiguity" is the best choice because the sentence clarifies the concluding statement about falling asleep to her mother reading.

Example Question #9 :Separating, Combining, Or Reordering Sentences

"Lincoln as a Child" by Caleb Zimmerman (2013)

Abraham Lincoln's forefathers werepioneers. People thatleft their homes to open up the wilderness and make the way clear for others to follow them. For one hundred and seventy years, ever since the first Lincoln came from England to Massachusetts in 1638,hehad been moving slowly westward as new settlements were made in the forest. They faced solitude,privation, and all the dangersand hardships that beset those who take up their homes where only beasts and wild men have had homes before; but they continued to press steadily forward, though they lost fortune and sometimes even life itself in their westward progress.

在宾夕法尼亚州和新泽西州的一些Lincolns had been people of wealth and influence. In Kentucky, where the future President was born on February 12, 1809, his parentslivein deep poverty. Their home was a small log cabin of the rudest kind, and nothing seemed more unlikely than thattheir child, coming into the worldin such humble surroundings, was destined to be the greatest manof his time and true tohis heritage, he also was to be a pioneer—not into new woods and unexplored fields like his ancestors, but a pioneer of a nobler and grander sort, directing the thoughts of people ever toward the right, and leading theAmerican people, throughdifficulties and dangers and a mighty war, to peace and freedom

的author is considering adding the following sentence to the essay: “But a wealthy family is not a prerequisite for success.” Which of the following is the most appropriate place to insert this sentence?


At the end of paragraph 1

After the third sentence in paragraph 2, before “True to his heritage,”

Before sentence 1

At the end of sentence 2, after “in the forest.”

Correct answer:

After the third sentence in paragraph 2, before “True to his heritage,”


的conjunction “but” suggests a contrast that is not present except in "After the third sentence in paragraph 2, before 'True to his race,'"

Example Question #10 :Separating, Combining, Or Reordering Sentences

While the course appeared hard from the outset, when his report card arrived in the mail, Charliehad discoveredthat all of his studying had paid off. He had successfully passedChemistry: his fatherwould be proud. His father, aworld-renownedchemist wasdoubtful that Charlie would pass the class but Charlie wassurethat he could do it. He had spent all of the fall semester studying the periodic table, memorizing different measurements and learning the parts of an atom.

That terrible semesterculminated in thefinalexam. Theday of the big test,his stomach is a tight knot of nervesHe tried to tell his mother that he was feeling ill but she knew that he was lying.1He shook as he tried to put on his shoes and socks.2He woke up with his fingers tightly gripping the bedspread.3Sitting on the bus, he could feel himself sweating through his light sweater.4When Charlie finally arrived at school, he walked into his Chemistry class just as his teacher was passing out the test. “You may now begin,” she said.

Withthe report card now clenched in his hands in victory, Charlie knew that he could tackle anything to which he put his mind.

Which of the following sentences best introduces the rest of paragraph, beginning at the bolded point?


He wasn’t worried about the final test because the course material was easy.

He decided that he wasn’t going to study because his favorite basketball team was playing that night.

的test determined his final letter grade and he wanted to do well.

His final letter grade was determined by this test so he stayed up late studying for his English test.

Correct answer:

的test determined his final letter grade and he wanted to do well.


的rest of the passage explains, in detail, how nervous Charlie was before the test. He said that he was determined to prove his father wrong so he most likely stayed home the night before the test to study and prepare. "His final letter grade was determined by this test so he stayed up late studying for his English test" is wrong because the story is talking about Charlie’s experience in Chemistry class, not English.

Example Question #11 :Reorganizing Content

While the course appeared hard from the outset, when his report card arrived in the mail, Charliehad discoveredthat all of his studying had paid off. He had successfully passedChemistry: his fatherwould be proud. His father, aworld-renownedchemist wasdoubtful that Charlie would pass the class but Charlie wassurethat he could do it. He had spent all of the fall semester studying the periodic table, memorizing different measurements and learning the parts of an atom.

That terrible semesterculminated in thefinalexam. Theday of the big test,his stomach is a tight knot of nervesHe tried to tell his mother that he was feeling ill but she knew that he was lying.1He shook as he tried to put on his shoes and socks.2He woke up with his fingers tightly gripping the bedspread.3Sitting on the bus, he could feel himself sweating through his light sweater.4When Charlie finally arrived at school, he walked into his Chemistry class just as his teacher was passing out the test. “You may now begin,” she said.

Withthe report card now clenched in his hands in victory, Charlie knew that he could tackle anything to which he put his mind.

What is the most logical order for the bolded and numbered sentences?


3, 1, 2, 4


2, 4, 3, 1

1, 2, 3, 4

Correct answer:

3, 1, 2, 4


的sentences should be put in chronological order. You can narrow it down to "3, 1, 2, 4" and "2, 4, 3, 1" because Charlie would have to wake up and get out of bed before he can do any of the other actions described. It is not clear whether sentence 2 or sentence 1 should come first but that’s not an issue because they only appear together in the correct answer. Sentence 4 has to come last because it talks about when he has already left the house and is on his way to school.

Example Question #51 :Writing And Revising Effectively

While the course appeared hard from the outset, when his report card arrived in the mail, Charliehad discoveredthat all of his studying had paid off. He had successfully passedChemistry: his fatherwould be proud. His father, aworld-renownedchemist wasdoubtful that Charlie would pass the class but Charlie wassurethat he could do it. He had spent all of the fall semester studying the periodic table, memorizing different measurements and learning the parts of an atom.

That terrible semesterculminated in thefinalexam. Theday of the big test,his stomach is a tight knot of nervesHe tried to tell his mother that he was feeling ill but she knew that he was lying.1He shook as he tried to put on his shoes and socks.2He woke up with his fingers tightly gripping the bedspread.3Sitting on the bus, he could feel himself sweating through his light sweater.4When Charlie finally arrived at school, he walked into his Chemistry class just as his teacher was passing out the test. “You may now begin,” she said.

Withthe report card now clenched in his hands in victory, Charlie knew that he could tackle anything to which he put his mind.

All of the following sentences would provide a smooth transition into the concluding paragraph before the bolded "With," EXCEPT__________


Several weeks later, when he received his report card, he saw that he had proved his father wrong.

His report card arrived in the mail several weeks after the test; he had earned a 90%.

When Charlie got his report card, he saw that he had passed the class with flying colors.

When Charlie received his report card in the mail, he was disappointed with his final grade in the class.

Correct answer:

When Charlie received his report card in the mail, he was disappointed with his final grade in the class.


All of the answers, except for "when Charlie received his report card in the mail, he was disappointed with his final grade in the class," describe how well he did in Chemistry or the feeling of joy he felt by passing the class despite what his father thought. "When Charlie received his report card in the mail, he was disappointed with his final grade in the class," would not fit because it says that he was “disappointed”; we know this is wrong because the rest of the paragraph goes on to describe his feelings of “victory.”

Example Question #52 :Writing And Revising Effectively

During the final months of 2007, the prices of basic grains nearly doubled in Northern Africa, Latin America, and muchofAsia, thehigh prices caused a global food crisis. The catastrophesparked and incitedan international debate regarding the licensing of new technologies to developing nations. One economist warned that because of the risk of unforeseen price shocks, officials should proceed verycautiously。的construction of private farmsposea serious financial threat to farmers in the United States; nevertheless, of the five most industrialized nations, the United States exportsmore crops

How do some countries cope with food crises better thanothers.It is technology that accounts for the majority of the difference. The rate at which countries adopt innovationsdependssignificantly on environmental factors. These environmental factors include climate,soil and elevation。的variability in environment inhibitsnew technologies from gaining worldwide popularity that are suited for one particular region over anotherFor example, the pesticides used in Europe are much more acidic thanNorth America。Without the different levels of acidity, pests would prevent the cropsto grow

Choose the answer that best corrects the bolded portion of the passage. If the bolded portion is correct as written, choose "NO CHANGE."





As a result

Correct answer:



We are asked about a sentence that describes a specific instance of differences between North America and Europe—namely, each continent's use of pesticides. In the preceding sentence, the author discusses the differences in agricultural practices across regions. The pesticide acidity is an example of the interregional differences, so the answer choice "For example" is the most logical way to connect the two sentences.

Example Question #53 :Writing And Revising Effectively

Alfred Tarski, born on January 14, 1901, became known during his lifetime as a brilliant mathematician and teacher. He is best known for proving several advanced geometric theorems. By the time Tarski moved to the United States, much of Europehas already falleninto the grips of World War II.Hundreds of mathematical problems were solved by Tarski

好地参加Warsaw University in 1920. Originally wishing to study biology,mathematics was the subject in which Tarski ultimately excelled。He graduated withhonors, andbegan his career as a math teacher. A true mathematical virtuoso, Tarski was concerned with neither the application of his research norpublishing his findings

Discoveries made by Tarski influenced the work of one of the world’s greatest physicists, Albert Einstein. Einstein and Tarskihad many similar interests in common。Unlike Albert Einstein, however, Tarski was especiallyfond forpure mathematics. Although Tarski and Einstein were contemporaries, Einstein was themost prolificwriter of the two.

In 1929, Tarski married his co-worker, Maria Witkowska. An affinity for mathematics ran in the family. Tarski even admitted that his wife knew more aboutalgebra, geometry and trigonometrythan did he. Tarski'stwo children, Jan, and Ina,grew up to be prominent mathematicians themselves; however, neither Jan nor Inahave receiveda great deal of international attention.

的author is considering adding the following sentence to the passage:

"Whereas Einstein published dozens of books, Tarski published only one."

If the writer were to add this sentence to the passage, which of these choices would be the most logical place to insert it?


After the last sentence of paragraph 4

After the first sentence of paragraph 2

After the first sentence of paragraph 1

After the first sentence of paragraph 4

After the last sentence of paragraph 3

Correct answer:

After the last sentence of paragraph 3


正确的答案是“最后sentence of Paragraph 3."

段3包含好讨论的再保险lationship with Albert Einstein. The very end of paragraph 3 draws the contrast of Einstein being a more prolific writer than Tarski, which means that Einstein produced more written works than Tarski. The sentence under consideration—"Whereas Einstein published dozens of books, Tarski published only one"—provides a specific example of this contrast, so it is most logical to insert the sentence as the final sentence of paragraph 3.

Example Question #54 :Writing And Revising Effectively

的housestood, at the bottom of a hill,making it hard to see from the street.的owner wants it that way, as he had no use for any of his neighbors.“Nosy sneaks and cheats” hewouldto say to his son。Not that his sonever really listening。的old man did not see him very much, eitherat his home or going anywhere else。Every time he did see him, his son would just complain about how hishouse was dark musty, and filthy。的old man did not need such criticism, especiallyfrom only his blood relative。He had lived in that house for fifty years, and plannedto live there as long as he possibly could。While he lived there, his neighbors would never see him or his house if he could help it.He could take care of him,and steadfastly refused to allow anyone to help.In his tiny house, at the bottom of the hill,the old man was content to be alone, andbelieved he was living perfect

Choose the answer that best corrects the bolded portion of the passage. If the bolded portion is correct as written, choose "NO CHANGE."



ever real listening

was ever really listening

never really listening

Correct answer:

was ever really listening


的verbal phrase that is underlined is extremly awkward and strange. The participle "listening," which operates as a noun or adjective, is the only verbal form in the sentence, but is in the position of the object. An actual verb needs to be added into the sentence for clarity, making the correct answer choice "was ever really listening."

Example Question #55 :Writing And Revising Effectively

Speech production is acomplicated and complexprocess, that requiresthe coordination of three different systems: respiration, phonation, and articulation. A deficit in any of these systems willnegatively impact the quality of one’s speech

We all know that respiration, or breathing, is necessary for life, but have you ever thoughtabout it’s usefulnessfor speech? Try to talkwhile holding you’re breathand you will see what I mean. Exhalation provides a stream of air that the next two systems形成世界卫生大会t many people like to call speech

Phonation happens in your larynx, or voice box. A pair of musclesforma shelf-like structure on either side of your larynx, and this pair of muscles is known as your vocal folds. As you exhale during speech, your vocal fold muscles contract and move towards each other. They vibrate as air passes between them, creating a buzzingsound, and this is a process that is known as phonation的word “phonation” comes from the ancient Greek word for sound.

Finally, the last stage is articulation. At this final stage,youmove your tongue, lips, and jaw to affect the way vibrating air leaves your mouth。For example, when you say the “b” sound, you need to squeeze your lips together to stop the airflow before opening your lips again. For the “v” sound, you touch your top teeth against your lower lip and force air through between your teeth and lip.

Assuming all of the following are true, which would be the best concluding sentence for this passage?


I guess you could say the fourth stage of speaking is listening, because what is the point of talking if no one is listening to you?

Speech is a complicated process and I’m surprised that anyone ever learns to talk.

By coordinating the three stages of speech, humans can produce over 200 words per minute without even thinking about their respiration, phonation, or articulation.

Of course, not all sounds involve your lips; these are just some examples.

Correct answer:

By coordinating the three stages of speech, humans can produce over 200 words per minute without even thinking about their respiration, phonation, or articulation.


的correct answer choice remains on topic while providing a new fact (humans can produce over 200 words per minute) that ties the body paragraphs together. The incorrect choice "Of course, not all sounds involve your lips; these are just some examples" does not work as a conclusion, because it leaves the reader expecting more information about sounds that do not require the lips. The remaining two incorrect answers have a less formal tone and add new information that does not tie the three stages of speech together as well as the correct answer does.

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