5th Grade Science : Earth and Space Science

Study concepts, example questions & explanations for 5th Grade Science

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Example Questions

Example Question #1 :Use Science Ideas To Protect Earth's Resources

When it comes to fishing, many states have limits on the number of fish or the size of fish that you can keep. For example, in Florida, there is a limit on one 18 inch Bonefish catch per person per day. Why would states put this limit in place?

Possible Answers:

The reproduction rate of these fish may be slower, so we need to conserve the fish we have.

Fishing seasons protect fish during spawning so they get a chance to reach maturity and lay eggs.

These may be threatened or endangered fish, so setting limits on catches helps preserve the species.

Size limits are meant to protect fish of spawning size before they are caught.

All of the answer choices are correct.

Correct answer:

All of the answer choices are correct.


All of the answer choices are correct and are scientific-based solutions to protect natural resources. Having fishing seasons, size limits, and catch limits helps to protect endangered and threatened species of fish, allow them to reach maturity so they can reproduce, conserve the populations of fish we have, and enable reproduction rates to catch up with consumption rates. These rules put in place help to protect Earth's resources.

Example Question #2 :Use Science Ideas To Protect Earth's Resources

Which of the following suggestions would help protect Earth's water resources?

Possible Answers:

Run the dishwasher when it is half full

Leave unattended hoses running to water plants

Take long showers every day

Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth

Correct answer:

Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth


Only one of the suggestions would help protect Earth's natural water resources - "Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth." This idea would help to conserve water while the other ideas are wasteful and would increase the consumption of freshwater. Turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth is a small effort that each person could do to help the Earth.

Example Question #3 :Use Science Ideas To Protect Earth's Resources

正确或错误:保护地球的资源版本y expensive and not practical.

Possible Answers:



Correct answer:



Protecting Earth's resources does not have to be expensive, and there are practical things that each person can do at home to help conserve the resources we have. Composting kitchen scraps instead of sending them to a landfill, taking shorter showers, buying locally grown fruits or vegetables, or planting a garden are just a few ideas that don't cost a lot of money and help the planet!

Example Question #4 :Use Science Ideas To Protect Earth's Resources

True or False: The foods you eat and the products you buy affect freshwater resources.

Possible Answers:



Correct answer:



Many of the foods we eat require water for growth, manufacturing, or transportation. The meat we purchase at the grocery store was once a living organism that needs water to survive. The fruits and vegetables we grow or buy need water to survive. Manufacturing goods require water to run factories and machinery. Most of the things we use and eat have water needed in some form to grow or create. Looking at how much water you use inadvertently may change buying habits.

Example Question #1 :Use Science Ideas To Protect Earth's Environment

From the Environmental Protection Agency, "Land cover represents the actual or physical presence of vegetation (or other materials where vegetation is nonexistent) on the land surface. Land cover is also often described as what can be seen on land viewed from above. It is one means to describe landscape patterns and characteristics that are critical in understanding aspects of the environment."

Based on the EPA's graph below which type of land cover needs the most protection?

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Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



The land cover that appears to need the most protection is the forests. There was a significant reduction in the amount of area covered by forests. There was an increase in developed land, so there may be a connection, but further research would be needed to verify or support this inference. Humans are responsible for the protection of our land and Earth, so to stop this downward trend, we must step in.

Example Question #2 :Use Science Ideas To Protect Earth's Environment

Lakeland, Ohio has seen an increase in hazardous waste materials building up in the water. The city thinks it is because of people using harmful pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals in their yards. The city council wants to make posters to hang around town and distribute with tips for residents to decrease the hazardous waste flowing into the sewer system. Which suggestion should the city councilNOTinclude?

Possible Answers:

Apply fertilizers when desired, and at the amount, you see fit.

Collect rainwater; it can later be used to water your plants and lawn.

Avoid applying fertilizer close to waterways.

Don't apply fertilizer before windy or rainy days.

Correct answer:

Apply fertilizers when desired, and at the amount, you see fit.


Hazardous waste entering the water system can be dangerous! The dangerous materials that seep into the groundwater, enter the sewer systems, and run-off into local lakes and rivers can be harmful to humans, animals, and plants. Three of the tips suggested would be beneficial for the town council to post on the handouts, and one would increase the problem the city is facing. "Apply fertilizers when desired, and at the amount, you see fit." is a piece of advice that could cause residents to use too much fertilizer too often. If they wanted to change this to a tip that would benefit their cause, it should read, "Apply fertilizers only when necessary and at the recommended amount."

Example Question #3 :Use Science Ideas To Protect Earth's Environment

From the Environmental Protection Agency, “Land cover represents the actual or physical presence of vegetation (or other materials where vegetation is nonexistent) on the land surface. Land cover is also often described as what can be seen on land viewed from above. It is one means to describe landscape patterns and characteristics that are critical in understanding aspects of the environment.”

The graph below shows the decrease in forests over the decade. Which answer choice(s) is a way that everyday people can help protect forests?

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Possible Answers:

Plant a tree where you can.

Buy recycled products and then recycle them again.

All of the answer choices are correct.

Go paperless at home and in the office.

Correct answer:

All of the answer choices are correct.


The land cover that appears to need the most protection is the forests. There was a significant reduction in the amount of area covered by forests. There was an increase in developed land, so there may be a connection, but further research would be needed to verify or support this inference. Humans are responsible for the protection of our land and Earth, so to stop this downward trend, we must step in. Three simple ways that everyday citizens around the country can help forests are to go paperless, buy recycled items and then recycle them again, and to plant a tree! These are all easy changes to be made that can make a big difference.

Example Question #4 :Use Science Ideas To Protect Earth's Environment

美国环境保护署问题报告on many factors that impact the Earth's environment. The following graph highlights the area of growth in the United States and our emissions. The EPA explains the graph's data, "Between 1970 and 2018, the combined emissions of the six common pollutants (PM2.5 and PM10, SO2, NOx, VOCs, CO, and Pb) dropped by 74 percent. This progress occurred while the U.S. economy continued to grow, Americans drove more miles, and population and energy use increased."

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What is a reasonable idea for a way citizens can help protect our air?


Possible Answers:

Stop having children, so the population does not increase

Use more public transportation methods and less individual vehicles

Consume more energy in the evenings when you are home from work and school

Increase the use of individual vehicles for all households

Correct answer:

Use more public transportation methods and less individual vehicles


Clean air is essential for all citizens of the United States, and according to the EPA, many of our emissions have decreased in recent years, but there is still room for improvement. "Vehicle miles traveled" was one of the six areas where our growth has increased as well as the production of harmful pollutants. If each person used public transportation methods more often than driving individual vehicles, there could be a reduction in the vehicle-related emissions that are created. This is a reasonable change that citizens can make.

Example Question #5 :Use Science Ideas To Protect Earth's Environment

Diana has been reading about deforestation in school and learned that the use of paper goods could lead to the need to cut down forests. She wants to encourage her friends, family, and schoolmates to use fewer paper goods to help protect the environment. Which tip(s) should she share?

Possible Answers:

All of the choices are correct.

Use decorative boxes that do not require wrapping and that can be recycled.

Reuse gift bags and tissue paper for holidays and birthdays.

Look for products that are made from recycled paper when shopping.

Correct answer:

All of the choices are correct.


Diana should share all of the tips with her friends, family, and schoolmates. Reusing and recycling paper products is an easy way to reduce the waste in landfills and the number of trees cut down to create new products. The EPA reported that in 2017 Americans recycled 66% of the paper that they purchased. This is an excellent start to reducing our impact on the environment.

Example Question #6 :Use Science Ideas To Protect Earth's Environment

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The chart above lists the time it takes for different household objects to decompose. One way to help the environment is to repurpose items instead of throwing them away. Which of the following is an example of this strategy?

Possible Answers:

Pick up trash in the neighborhood

Purchase more tin products than glass products

Collecting plastic bottles in a recycling bin

Paint a glass bottle and using it as a decoration

Correct answer:

Paint a glass bottle and using it as a decoration


Repurposing items that would typically be thrown away helps the environment. An example of repurposing an object is painting a glass bottle and using it for decoration in your home! Repurposing items reduces the amount of trash being taken to landfills, and the does not require machines like recycling at a recycling center. An example of repurposing an object is painting a glass bottle and using it for decoration in your home!

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