5th Grade Science : Earth and Space Science

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Example Question #17 :Interactions Of The Four Spheres Of Earth

A change in one sphere can lead to a change in another. In the example below, what spheres are being affected?

Humans (__________) built a dam out of rock materials (__________).

Possible Answers:

atmosphere; biosphere

biosphere; atmosphere

biosphere; lithosphere

hydrosphere; lithosphere

Correct answer:

biosphere; lithosphere


有四个球,都是独立的rts of a system. The spheres interact with each other and a change in one area can cause a change in another. Humans (biosphere) built a dam out of rock materials (lithosphere). The biosphere
 contains all the planet's living things. This sphere includes all of the microorganisms, plants, and animals of Earth. The lithosphere contains all of the solid land of the planet's crust, the semi-solid land underneath the crust, and even the molten part of Earth’s core.

Example Question #18 :Interactions Of The Four Spheres Of Earth

A change in one sphere can lead to a change in another. In the example below, what spheres are being affected?

Water in the lake (___________) seeps into the cliff walls behind the dam, becoming groundwater (___________).

Possible Answers:

biosphere; atmosphere

lithosphere; biosphere

hydrosphere; lithosphere

atmosphere; hydrosphere

Correct answer:

hydrosphere; lithosphere


有四个球,都是独立的rts of a system. The spheres interact with each other and a change in one area can cause a change in another. Water in the lake (hydrosphere) seeps into the cliff walls behind the dam, becoming groundwater (lithosphere). The hydrosphere contains all the water of the planet, which exists in solid, liquid, and gas forms. The lithosphere contains all of the solid land of the planet's crust, the semi-solid land underneath the crust, and even the molten part of Earth’s core.

Example Question #19 :Interactions Of The Four Spheres Of Earth

A change in one sphere can lead to a change in another. In the example below, what spheres are being affected?

Humans (________) harness energy from the water (________) by having it spin turbines (________) to produce electricity.

Possible Answers:

biosphere; hydrosphere; lithosphere

atmosphere; hydrosphere; lithosphere

hydrosphere; lithosphere; atmosphere

lithosphere; biosphere; hydrosphere

Correct answer:

biosphere; hydrosphere; lithosphere


四个球都是独立的部分系统. The spheres interact with each other, and a change in one area can cause a change in another. Humans (biosphere) harness energy from the water (hydrosphere) by having it spin turbines (lithosphere) to produce electricity. The lithosphere contains all of the solid land of the planet's crust, the semi-solid land underneath the crust, and even the molten part of Earth's core. The biosphere
 contains all the planet's living things. This sphere includes all of the microorganisms, plants, and animals of Earth. The hydrosphere contains all the water of the planet, which exists in solid, liquid, and gas forms.

Example Question #20 :Interactions Of The Four Spheres Of Earth

A change in one sphere can lead to a change in another. In the example below, what spheres are being affected?

Water seeps into the cliff walls behind the dam, becoming groundwater (________), or evaporating into the air (________).

Possible Answers:

lithosphere; atmosphere

biosphere; hydrosphere

hydrosphere; lithosphere

atmosphere; biosphere

Correct answer:

lithosphere; atmosphere


四个球都是独立的部分系统. The spheres interact with each other, and a change in one area can cause a change in another. Water seeps into the cliff walls behind the dam, becoming groundwater (lithosphere), or evaporating into the air (atmosphere). The lithosphere contains all of the solid land of the planet's crust, the semi-solid land underneath the crust, and even the molten part of Earth's core. The atmosphere contains all the air in the Earth's system. The upper portion of the atmosphere protects the organisms of the biosphere from the sun's ultraviolet radiation. It also absorbs and emits heat. This sphere is also where weather occurs.

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