5th Grade Science : Earth and Space Science

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穰mple Questions

穰mple Question #7 :Interactions Of The Four Spheres Of Earth

What sphere interactions can you infer from this photograph?

Screen shot 2020 09 25 at 9.53.24 am

Possible Answers:

Humans (lithosphere) use farm machinery manufactured from geosphere materials to plow the fields, and the atmosphere brings precipitation (biosphere) to water the plants.

Humans (hydrosphere) use farm machinery manufactured from geosphere materials to plow the fields, and the atmosphere brings precipitation (biosphere) to water the plants.

Humans (atmosphere) use farm machinery manufactured from geosphere materials to plow the fields, and the atmosphere brings precipitation (hydrosphere) to water the plants.

Humans (biosphere) use farm machinery manufactured from geosphere materials to plow the fields, and the atmosphere brings precipitation (hydrosphere) to water the plants.

Correct answer:

Humans (biosphere) use farm machinery manufactured from geosphere materials to plow the fields, and the atmosphere brings precipitation (hydrosphere) to water the plants.


Four spheres are all independent parts of a system. The spheres interact with each other, and a change in one area can cause a change in another. Humans (biosphere) use farm machinery manufactured from geosphere materials to plow the fields, and the atmosphere brings precipitation (hydrosphere) to water the plants. The biosphere contains all the planet’s living things. This sphere includes all of the microorganisms, plants, and animals of Earth. The hydrosphere contains all the water of the planet, which exists in solid, liquid, and gas forms.

穰mple Question #8 :Interactions Of The Four Spheres Of Earth

What sphere interactions can you infer from this photograph?

Screen shot 2020 09 25 at 9.53.24 am

Possible Answers:

Energy from the sun is stored by plants (atmosphere). When humans or animals (biosphere) eat the plants, they acquire the energy originally captured by the plants.

Energy from the sun is stored by plants (biosphere). When humans or animals (biosphere) eat the plants, they acquire the energy originally captured by the plants.

Energy from the sun is stored by plants (lithosphere). When humans or animals (geosphere) eat the plants, they acquire the energy originally captured by the plants.

Energy from the sun is stored by plants (biosphere). When humans or animals (lithosphere) eat the plants, they acquire the energy originally captured by the plants.

Correct answer:

Energy from the sun is stored by plants (biosphere). When humans or animals (biosphere) eat the plants, they acquire the energy originally captured by the plants.


Four spheres are all independent parts of a system. The spheres interact with each other, and a change in one area can cause a change in another. Energy from the sun is stored by plants (biosphere). When humans or animals (biosphere) eat the plants, they acquire the energy originally captured by the plants. The biosphere contains all the planet’s living things. This sphere includes all of the microorganisms, plants, and animals of Earth.

穰mple Question #9 :Interactions Of The Four Spheres Of Earth

Which interaction(s) is occurring between the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere in this landscape?

Screen shot 2020 09 25 at 10.14.47 am

Possible Answers:

波浪作用有砂,抛光岩石上e beach

一个ll of the answer choices are correct.

Plant roots stabilize the soil

Oceans absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

None of the answer choices are correct.

Correct answer:

一个ll of the answer choices are correct.


Four spheres are all independent parts of a system. The spheres interact with each other, and a change in one area can cause a change in another. The biosphere contains all the planet’s living things. This sphere includes all of the microorganisms, plants, and animals of Earth. The hydrosphere contains all the water of the planet, which exists in solid, liquid, and gas forms. The lithosphere contains all of the solid land of the planet's crust, the semi-solid land underneath the crust, and even the molten part of Earth’s core. The atmosphere contains all the air in the Earth's system. The upper portion of the atmosphere protects the organisms of the biosphere from the sun's ultraviolet radiation.

穰mple Question #10 :Interactions Of The Four Spheres Of Earth

The lithosphere contains all of the solid land of the planet's crust, the semi-solid land underneath the crust, and even the molten part of Earth’s core. What is the other term for the lithosphere?

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



Geo means “earth.” The Earth’s geosphere is the portion of the Earth that includes rocks and minerals. Four spheres are all independent parts of a system. The spheres interact with each other, and a change in one area can cause a change in another.

穰mple Question #11 :Interactions Of The Four Spheres Of Earth

Which of the four Earth spheres are effected during and after a precipitation event?

Possible Answers:

the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, the lithosphere, the biosphere

the lithosphere, the biosphere

the atmosphere, the biosphere

the hydrosphere

Correct answer:

the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, the lithosphere, the biosphere


Most Earth events involve interaction between multiple spheres. For example, rain is the movement of water (the hydrosphere) from the atmosphere to the lithosphere where it collects in lakes, rivers, or streams. Water is an important resource for inhabitants of the biosphere.

The Lithosphere- contains all of the solid land of the planet's crust, the semi-solid land underneath the crust, and even the molten part of Earth’s core.

The Hydrosphere- contains all the water of the planet, which exists in solid, liquid, and gas forms. Water flows as precipitation from the atmosphere down to Earth's surface, as rivers and streams along Earth's surface, and as groundwater beneath Earth's surface. Most of Earth's freshwater, however, is frozen.

The Biosphere
- contains all the planet's living things. This sphere includes all of the microorganisms, plants, and animals of Earth. 

Within the biosphere, living things form ecological communities based on the physical surroundings of an area. These communities are referred to as biomes. Deserts, grasslands, and tropical rainforests are three of the many types of biomes that exist within the biosphere.

The Atmosphere-contains all the air in Earth's system. The upper portion of the atmosphere protects the organisms of the biosphere from the sun's ultraviolet radiation. It also absorbs and emits heat. This sphere is also where weather occurs.

穰mple Question #12 :Interactions Of The Four Spheres Of Earth

Which of the following best describes how the biosphere interacts with the atmosphere and the hydrosphere?

Possible Answers:

Natural disasters take place in the hydrosphere and destroys the habitats of plants and animals in the biosphere without any benefit.

Plants and animals in the biosphere require resources from the atmosphere and the hydrosphere to live.

The biosphere does not interact with the hydrosphere.

all of these

none of these

Correct answer:

Plants and animals in the biosphere require resources from the atmosphere and the hydrosphere to live.


The Lithosphere- contains all of the solid land of the planet's crust, the semi-solid land underneath the crust, and even the molten part of Earth’s core.

The Hydrosphere- contains all the water of the planet, which exists in solid, liquid, and gas forms. Water flows as precipitation from the atmosphere down to Earth's surface, as rivers and streams along Earth's surface, and as groundwater beneath Earth's surface. Most of Earth's freshwater, however, is frozen.

The Biosphere
- contains all the planet's living things. This sphere includes all of the microorganisms, plants, and animals of Earth. 

Within the biosphere, living things form ecological communities based on the physical surroundings of an area. These communities are referred to as biomes. Deserts, grasslands, and tropical rainforests are three of the many types of biomes that exist within the biosphere.

The Atmosphere-contains all the air in Earth's system. The upper portion of the atmosphere protects the organisms of the biosphere from the sun's ultraviolet radiation. It also absorbs and emits heat. This sphere is also where weather occurs.

Most Earth events involve interaction between multiple spheres. For example, rain is the movement of water (the hydrosphere) from the atmosphere to the lithosphere where it collects in lakes, rivers, or streams. Water is an important resource for inhabitants of the biosphere.

穰mple Question #13 :Interactions Of The Four Spheres Of Earth

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

Possible Answers:

all of these

rain (hydrosphere) falls from the sky (atmosphere) into a lake (hydrosphere) to be consumed by animals (biosphere)

water (hydrosphere) often flows through the soil (lithosphere)

many birds (biosphere) fly through the air (atmosphere)

none of these

Correct answer:

none of these


The Lithosphere- contains all of the solid land of the planet's crust, the semi-solid land underneath the crust, and even the molten part of Earth’s core.

The Hydrosphere- contains all the water of the planet, which exists in solid, liquid, and gas forms. Water flows as precipitation from the atmosphere down to Earth's surface, as rivers and streams along Earth's surface, and as groundwater beneath Earth's surface. Most of Earth's freshwater, however, is frozen.

The Biosphere
- contains all the planet's living things. This sphere includes all of the microorganisms, plants, and animals of Earth. 

Within the biosphere, living things form ecological communities based on the physical surroundings of an area. These communities are referred to as biomes. Deserts, grasslands, and tropical rainforests are three of the many types of biomes that exist within the biosphere.

The Atmosphere-contains all the air in Earth's system. The upper portion of the atmosphere protects the organisms of the biosphere from the sun's ultraviolet radiation. It also absorbs and emits heat. This sphere is also where weather occurs.

Most Earth events involve interaction between multiple spheres. For example, rain is the movement of water (the hydrosphere) from the atmosphere to the lithosphere where it collects in lakes, rivers, or streams. Water is an important resource for inhabitants of the biosphere.

穰mple Question #14 :Interactions Of The Four Spheres Of Earth

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Possible Answers:

The four spheres of Earth are strictly defined so they are not linked. No interactions take place between them.

The lithosphere, the atmosphere, and the hydrosphere are closely linked, but the biosphere is unrelated to the other three.

The hydrosphere and the biosphere are closely linked, but the atmosphere and the lithosphere are not.

The four spheres of Earth are very closely connected. A change in one sphere often affects one or more others.

Correct answer:

The four spheres of Earth are very closely connected. A change in one sphere often affects one or more others.


The Lithosphere- contains all of the solid land of the planet's crust, the semi-solid land underneath the crust, and even the molten part of Earth’s core.

The Hydrosphere- contains all the water of the planet, which exists in solid, liquid, and gas forms. Water flows as precipitation from the atmosphere down to Earth's surface, as rivers and streams along Earth's surface, and as groundwater beneath Earth's surface. Most of Earth's freshwater, however, is frozen.

The Biosphere
- contains all the planet's living things. This sphere includes all of the microorganisms, plants, and animals of Earth. 

Within the biosphere, living things form ecological communities based on the physical surroundings of an area. These communities are referred to as biomes. Deserts, grasslands, and tropical rainforests are three of the many types of biomes that exist within the biosphere.

The Atmosphere-contains all the air in Earth's system. The upper portion of the atmosphere protects the organisms of the biosphere from the sun's ultraviolet radiation. It also absorbs and emits heat. This sphere is also where weather occurs.

Most Earth events involve interaction between multiple spheres. For example, rain is the movement of water (the hydrosphere) from the atmosphere to the lithosphere where it collects in lakes, rivers, or streams. Water is an important resource for inhabitants of the biosphere.

穰mple Question #15 :Interactions Of The Four Spheres Of Earth

Which of the following answer choices is a component of both the hydrosphere and the atmosphere?

Possible Answers:

oxygen in a lake

water in the soil

rain in the sky

carbon in the air

Correct answer:

rain in the sky


The Lithosphere- contains all of the solid land of the planet's crust, the semi-solid land underneath the crust, and even the molten part of Earth’s core.

The Hydrosphere- contains all the water of the planet, which exists in solid, liquid, and gas forms. Water flows as precipitation from the atmosphere down to Earth's surface, as rivers and streams along Earth's surface, and as groundwater beneath Earth's surface. Most of Earth's freshwater, however, is frozen.

The Biosphere
- contains all the planet's living things. This sphere includes all of the microorganisms, plants, and animals of Earth. 

Within the biosphere, living things form ecological communities based on the physical surroundings of an area. These communities are referred to as biomes. Deserts, grasslands, and tropical rainforests are three of the many types of biomes that exist within the biosphere.

The Atmosphere-contains all the air in Earth's system. The upper portion of the atmosphere protects the organisms of the biosphere from the sun's ultraviolet radiation. It also absorbs and emits heat. This sphere is also where weather occurs.

Most Earth events involve interaction between multiple spheres. For example, rain is the movement of water (the hydrosphere) from the atmosphere to the lithosphere where it collects in lakes, rivers, or streams. Water is an important resource for inhabitants of the biosphere.

穰mple Question #16 :Interactions Of The Four Spheres Of Earth

Within the boundary of the Earth is a collection of four interdependent parts called “spheres“:

Possible Answers:

the heliosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and planisphere.

the lithosphere, troposphere, biosphere, and microsphere.

the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere.

the magnetosphere, hydrosphere, thermosphere, and atmosphere.

Correct answer:

the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere.


The Lithosphere- contains all of the solid land of the planet's crust, the semi-solid land underneath the crust, and even the molten part of Earth’s core.

The Hydrosphere- contains all the water of the planet, which exists in solid, liquid, and gas forms. Water flows as precipitation from the atmosphere down to Earth's surface, as rivers and streams along Earth's surface, and as groundwater beneath Earth's surface. Most of Earth's freshwater, however, is frozen.

The Biosphere
- contains all the planet's living things. This sphere includes all of the microorganisms, plants, and animals of Earth. 

Within the biosphere, living things form ecological communities based on the physical surroundings of an area. These communities are referred to as biomes. Deserts, grasslands, and tropical rainforests are three of the many types of biomes that exist within the biosphere.

The Atmosphere-contains all the air in Earth's system. The upper portion of the atmosphere protects the organisms of the biosphere from the sun's ultraviolet radiation. It also absorbs and emits heat. This sphere is also where weather occurs.

Most Earth events involve interaction between multiple spheres. For example, rain is the movement of water (the hydrosphere) from the atmosphere to the lithosphere where it collects in lakes, rivers, or streams. Water is an important resource for inhabitants of the biosphere.

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