1st Grade Science : 1st Grade Science

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穰mple Questions

穰mple Question #3 :巴勒斯坦权力机构ttern Prediction By The Sun, Moon, And Stars

What can we observe about the position of the Sun?

Possible Answers:

We cannot tell anything about the Sun's position.

It seems to change.

It stays the same.

Correct answer:

It seems to change.


We can observe the Sun changing positions in the sky during the day. The sun rises in the East and sets in the West. The Earth is always spinning so this makes the Sun appear to be moving!

穰mple Question #4 :巴勒斯坦权力机构ttern Prediction By The Sun, Moon, And Stars

We cannot make observations about the objects in the daytime and nighttime sky.

Possible Answers:



Correct answer:



This is not a true statement! We are able to observe many objects in our daytime and nighttime sky including the Sun, the Moon, stars, and clouds. We can make observations with just our eyes or use tools like telescopes.

穰mple Question #1 :Describe Patterns Using The Sun, Moon, And Stars

What pattern can be seen when observing the Sun?

Possible Answers:

The Sun changes positions.

The Sun gets brighter and darker throughout the day.

The Sun does not have patterns that can be observed.

Correct answer:

The Sun changes positions.


When observing the Sun, patterns can be noticed. The Sun appears to move through the sky during the day, but it is the Earth moving that makes it seem this way. The Sun always rises in the East and sets in the West. This is a pattern we can observe every day.

穰mple Question #2 :Describe Patterns Using The Sun, Moon, And Stars

What pattern can be seen when observing the Moon?

Possible Answers:

It's position and shape changes.

It gets darker and brighter.

There are no patterns to observe.

Correct answer:

It's position and shape changes.


When observing the Moon, patterns can be noticed. The Moon appears to move through the sky during the night, but it is the Earth moving that makes it seem this way. The Moon always rises in the East and sets in the West. We can also see the Moon appears to change shapes as it goes through its phases every month.

穰mple Question #3 :Describe Patterns Using The Sun, Moon, And Stars

Which choice describes a pattern we can see with stars?

Possible Answers:

Stars are seen in the nighttime.

Stars are seen in the daytime.

Stars can never be seen.

Correct answer:

Stars are seen in the nighttime.


Stars can only be seen during the nighttime. This is a pattern that can be observed each night. During the days the stars are not visible but when the Sun sets we can see the stars shining.

穰mple Question #4 :Describe Patterns Using The Sun, Moon, And Stars

What are the patterns of the motion of the sun, moon, and stars in the sky that we observe?

Possible Answers:

The sun, moon, and stars change positions in the sky.

The sun, moon, and stars have no observable patterns.

The sun, moon, and stars do not change positions in the sky.

Correct answer:

The sun, moon, and stars change positions in the sky.


The patterns of motion that can be observed are the changes in position. The Sun and Moon both rise in the East and set in the West every day. The Earth is also continually rotating, so the objects in the sky appear to be moving.

穰mple Question #5 :Describe Patterns Using The Sun, Moon, And Stars

At night, we can see the moon’s size change throughout the month in a pattern. This is called the moon ___________. Actually, the moon never changes size.

Possible Answers:




Correct answer:



Every month the Moon appears to change shape, but it is just the moon phases. The shadows on the Moon change throughout the month based on how much sunlight there is shining on the Moon's surface. This is a pattern that can be predicted because it repeats every month.

穰mple Question #6 :Describe Patterns Using The Sun, Moon, And Stars

What is apattern?

Possible Answers:

Something that never happens

Something that happens one time and then stops

Something that repeats the same way again and again

Correct answer:

Something that repeats the same way again and again


A pattern is something that can be observed happening over and over again. It is something that repeats the same way again and again. Patterns can be seen in nature, science, math, and everyday life!

穰mple Question #7 :Describe Patterns Using The Sun, Moon, And Stars

The shape of the moon appears to change over a period of time in a predictable pattern.

Possible Answers:



Correct answer:



The shape of the Moon does appear to change over a month in a predictable pattern. We call these moon phases. The Moon may appear to be full, only partly shown, or there may be no moon visible at all. This is because of the amount of sunlight shining on the Moon during that time of the month.

穰mple Question #8 :Describe Patterns Using The Sun, Moon, And Stars

Over the month, the Moon appears to change shape like the picture below shows. We can predict what the Moon will look like next because it follows a(n) ___________.

Landscape, Night, Star, Phases, Eclipse, Moon, Fantasy

Possible Answers:


magic spell


Correct answer:



The Moon follows a predictable pattern over a month called the moon phases. Depending on how much sunlight is shining on the Moon, it will appear to change sizes.

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