Award-Winning 10th Grade Writing Tutors

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My son was failing Algebra on all levels. He began working with one of the VT 1-on-1 a month ago. He now has an overall grade of 91%!

— Shawna

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Varsity Tutors really helped me understand the concepts during my Calculus 2 class. My tutor has such amazing patience and is open to many questions! Lastly, was always on time and very prompt. Highly suggest Varsity Tutors.

— Joey T

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Found me a great Python, C Programming, and MatLab tutor for a Engineering Computation course.

— Charles C

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We've had the BEST experience with VT! Our tutor has helped my middle schoolers math grades come up from a D to an A for our 8th grader. and from a D to a B for my 6th grader. I'm beyond pleased with how she connected with my boys.

— Kim C

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Private 10th Grade Writing Tutoring

Receive personally tailored 10th Grade Writing lessons from exceptional tutors in a one-on-one setting. We help you connect with the best tutor for your particular needs while offering flexible scheduling to fit your busy life.

10th Grade Writing Tutoring FAQ

Are you concerned about your tenth-grader's writing? It is not too late to strengthen the foundations that are necessary for your student to develop mature writing skills for the future. In tenth grade, your child will continue to apply his or her writing skills to a range of tasks and topics that grow increasingly difficult and involved. His or her literature classes will require a growing emphasis on analysis and insight, as well as the ability to coherently translate their ideas onto paper.

Likewise, in preparation for the ACT and/or SAT, it will be necessary for your child to develop a focused ability to argue consistently and logically in response to a provided prompt. Such skills frequently require further development and adjustment at this point in your child's studies. Instead of being distressed by such a need, let Varsity Tutors help you connect with the perfect tutor to help your child strengthen their writing skills and move on to future success.

4.9/5.0 Satisfaction Rating*

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Your tutor can customize your lessons and present concepts in engaging easy-to-understand-ways.

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你可以学习更有效率、because the teaching style is tailored to you.

Online Convenience

With the flexibility of online tutoring, your tutor can be arranged to meet at a time that suits you.

Recent 10th Grade Writing Tutoring Session Notes

Online 10th Grade Writing Tutoring review by Andrew
The student finished up his history paper over the week and turned that in yesterday. So today, we shifted our focus to preparing him to write his English paper. This paper is quite a bit shorter than the history paper, so he should be well prepared with the experience from the history paper under his belt. Again, today we worked on honing a thesis, crafting paragraphs, and shaping a coherent outline.
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We talked about Oedipus, Frankenstein, and Macbeth. We covered themes from all three books that overlap in preparation for her final tomorrow, which will be an in-class essay. We also went over some literary terms and went through an essay that she wrote on Oedipus. She'll revise her Oedipus essay over the next two weeks and we'll go over it again next time.
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Online 10th Grade Writing Tutoring review by David
The student and I worked together to create a study plan for his final exam. We reviewed previous exams and practice questions to identify major areas and content that he would need to be well-versed in, and then constructed several specific, hands-on activities for him to complete to ensure the best possible content retention. He has a good chance of doing well on the exam as long as he sticks to his study plan. Hopefully he will take advantage of the exercises in order to prepare himself. We gave some special attention to timed writing strategies as well.
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Online 10th Grade Writing Tutoring review by Abbi
I helped the student with grammar and sentence construction for her history essay. We reviewed it together and overall she did great putting together the concepts to address her teacher's comments in rewriting.
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Online 10th Grade Writing Tutoring review by Anya
In our most recent session, the pupil and I worked on her poetry portfolio -- an ongoing English project. In class, the students have been reading a wide selection of poets and were then asked to emulate the stylistic tropes of their favorites. The student, who enjoyed reading Shakespearean sonnets, was striving to write a few of her poems in iambic pentameter. For her main poem, she has been drawing upon her private life and was writing about a recent personal loss. We discussed the delicate balance between writing from the heart and producing material that was appropriate for class. I was impressed by the depth and honesty of her writing. She has a knack for working with words, particularly in exercises that are more creatively inclined. I have enjoyed watching her finesse her writing style and vocabulary over the course of this year.
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Online 10th Grade Writing Tutoring review by Elijah
We reviewed the student's upcoming grammar test by going over and practicing the gamut of grammar rules, including types of words, subject/predicate/objects, verbs, punctuation, independent vs. dependent sentences, types of clauses, and more. We also discussed creating a thesis for his in-class essay, and finding structure for a compare/contrast essay.
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